Ecol Evol. 2016 Sep; 6(17): 6376–6396.
Published online 2016 Aug 18. doi: 10.1002/ece3.2269
PMCID: PMC5016657
1Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, University of Georgia, PO Drawer E, Aiken, South Carolina, 29802
2Biosciences Department, Minnesota State University Moorhead, 1104 7th Ave, Moorhead, Minnesota, 56563
3Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue University, 715 W. State Street, West Lafayette, Indiana, 47907
Elizabeth M. Kierepka, Email: moc.liamg@akpereik.zil.

Elizabeth M. Kierepka, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, University of Georgia, PO Drawer E, Aiken, SC 29802.
Tel: 803‐725‐5324;
Fax: 803‐725‐3309;
E‐mail: moc.liamg@akpereik.zil,
Elizabeth M. Kierepka, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, University of Georgia, PO Drawer E, Aiken, SC 29802.
Tel: 803‐725‐5324;
Fax: 803‐725‐3309;
E‐mail: moc.liamg@akpereik.zil,
of formerly continuous native habitats into highly fragmented
landscapes can lead to numerous negative demographic and genetic impacts
on native taxa that ultimately reduce population viability. In response
to concerns over biodiversity loss, numerous investigators have
proposed that traits such as body size and ecological specialization
influence the sensitivity of species to habitat fragmentation. In this
study, we examined how differences in body size and ecological
specialization of two rodents (eastern chipmunk; Tamias striatus and white‐footed mouse; Peromyscus leucopus) impact their genetic connectivity within the highly fragmented landscape of the Upper Wabash River Basin (UWB),
Indiana, and evaluated whether landscape configuration and complexity
influenced patterns of genetic structure similarly between these two
species. The more specialized chipmunk exhibited dramatically more
genetic structure across the UWB than
white‐footed mice, with genetic differentiation being correlated with
geographic distance, configuration of intervening habitats, and
complexity of forested habitats within sampling sites. In contrast, the
generalist white‐footed mouse resembled a panmictic population across
the UWB, and no landscape factors were
found to influence gene flow. Despite the extensive previous work in
abundance and occupancy within the UWB,
no landscape factor that influenced occupancy or abundance was
correlated with genetic differentiation in either species. The
difference in predictors of occupancy, abundance, and gene flow suggests
that species‐specific responses to fragmentation are scale dependent.
Keywords: Comparative landscape genetics, ecological specialization, fragmentation, Upper Wabash Valley
The negative impacts of human‐induced fragmentation are numerous (Andrén 1994; Fahrig 2003; Cushman 2006), and sensitivities to such impacts vary greatly even within codistributed species (e.g., Andrén 1994; Swihart et al. 2003; Rizkalla and Swihart 2006; Meyer et al. 2008; Bommarco et al. 2010; Lange et al. 2010).
Species’ responses to landscape change ultimately depend on traits such
as ecological specialization, dispersal ability, body size, and
population size because these factors dictate how well species can
persist in patches as well as their ability to colonize new patches
(Hanski 1998; Etienne and Heesterbeck 2001).
Fragmented populations can suffer from lower effective population sizes
and decreased population connectivity, which in turn lead to losses in
genetic diversity (e.g., Johansson et al. 2007; Dixo et al. 2009; Vranckyx et al. 2012; Méndez et al. 2014).
Erosion of genetic diversity increases the risk of inbreeding, genetic
drift, and decreased evolutionary potential, all of which increase the
probability of extirpation (Young et al. 1996; Saccheri et al. 1998; Reed and Frankham 2003).
As a result of the potential negative consequences of fragmentation,
considerable attention has focused on identifying species traits that
increase vulnerability to fragmentation (e.g., Swihart et al. 2003; Henle et al. 2004; Ewers and Didham 2006; Barbaro and Van Halder 2009; Blanchet et al. 2010) and investigating potential mitigation techniques (e.g., McRae et al. 2012; Breckheimer et al. 2014; Tambosi et al. 2014).
the large body of literature on species‐specific responses to habitat
loss and fragmentation, several ecological factors known to increase
species sensitivity to the negative impacts of habitat loss and
fragmentation have been identified (e.g., Swihart et al. 2003; Rytwinski and Fahrig 2012; Jauker et al. 2013; Newbold et al. 2013; Slade et al. 2013; Newmark et al. 2014).
Among these traits, body size and ecological specialization are
frequently cited as being correlated with vulnerability to fragmentation
(e.g., Swihart et al. 2003; Watling and Donnelly 2007; Bommarco et al. 2010).
Body size is correlated to many life‐history traits known to affect
species’ responses to fragmentation, including dispersal ability,
geographic range, and reproductive rate (e.g., Blueweiss et al. 1978; Lindstedt et al. 1986; Hernández Fernández and Vrba 2005; Jenkins et al. 2007). In general, larger species are expected to have greater dispersal capabilities (Whitmee and Orme 2013), perceptual ranges (Mech and Zollner 2002), and geographic ranges (Diniz‐Filho and Tȏrres 2002; Hernández Fernández and Vrba 2005),
so they can more easily colonize new patches of suitable habitat than
can smaller species. Larger species, however, have low reproductive
rates and require large home ranges, which can increase extirpation
risks (e.g., Cardillo et al. 2005; Rytwinski and Fahrig 2012). Therefore, the role of body size in predicting how species respond to habitat alteration is not always clear (Henle et al. 2004; Ewers and Didham 2006), especially when codistributed species of similar size display different degrees of ecological specialization.
of body size, ecological specialization limits the amount of habitat a
species can occupy as well as the number of potential routes they can
utilize to travel between patches. Consequently, specialists are
expected to be highly sensitive to habitat loss and fragmentation.
Empirical data have largely supported this expectation because
specialist species tend to have lower abundances or occupy fewer patches
within fragmented landscapes (e.g., Berglund and Jonsson 2008; Devictor et al. 2008; dos Anjos et al. 2011).
Habitat loss and fragmentation are also expected to reduce connectivity
between patches in specialists and thus contribute to genetic
discontinuity. Patterns of genetic differentiation, however, vary
considerably across specialists (e.g., Exeler et al. 2008; Bommarco et al. 2010; Brückmann et al. 2010; Lawton et al. 2011; Gil‐López et al. 2014; Ripperger et al. 2014; Berkman et al. 2015), so predicting how any one trait will impact genetic responses to fragmentation is difficult.
examine how body size and ecological specialization influence gene flow
across fragmented landscapes, we conducted our study within the Upper
Wabash River Basin (UWB), Indiana, USA. The UWB has been largely
converted to agriculture and has been subject of extensive study to
assess the ecological effects of land conversion on a variety of
vertebrate species (Nupp and Swihart 1998, 2000; Goheen et al. 2003; Swihart et al. 2003; Moore and Swihart 2005; Dharmarajan et al. 2009; Beatty et al. 2012; Anderson et al. 2015).
These studies have confirmed that both landscape heterogeneity and
life‐history traits, particularly ecological specialization, influence
patterns in occupancy and abundance (Nupp and Swihart 1998; Swihart et al. 2003; Moore and Swihart 2005; Beasley et al. 2015).
In rodents, for example, dependence on forest largely predicted if a
species was sensitive to habitat fragmentation, whereas generalist
species tended to benefit from agriculture regardless of body size (Nupp
and Swihart 1998, 2000; Swihart et al. 2003).
Building on the previous studies on forest‐associated rodents, we aimed
to elucidate whether traits that affected occupancy and abundance in
forest rodents also predicted patterns in gene flow across the UWB.
Our focal species, the eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus) and white‐footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus),
are largely ubiquitous within the UWB, but are expected to exhibit
contrasting patterns in gene flow based on their different life
histories. Chipmunks are larger than white‐footed mice and are known to
move farther distances (Rizkalla and Swihart 2007),
so chipmunks may be able to traverse potential barriers (i.e.,
unsuitable habitat) more readily than white‐footed mice. Under this
scenario, chipmunks would experience high gene flow within the UWB and
exhibit weak genetic structure as compared to white‐footed mice.
However, chipmunks are considered more dependent on forested habitats
than white‐footed mice, which in the highly fragmented UWB, may limit
their ability to cross unsuitable habitats. Suitable forest habitat
certainly influences chipmunk fine‐scale gene flow (Anderson et al. 2015), occupancy (Moore and Swihart 2005), and simulated abundance (Rizkalla and Swihart 2012)
in the UWB, so forest habitat may impact chipmunk genetic structure
across the UWB as well. In contrast, white‐footed mice are generalists,
so their willingness to utilize alternative habitats may result in
higher gene flow and corresponding weaker genetic structure than
chipmunks in the UWB. Furthermore, forested habitat had a weak impact on
occupancy and abundance within the UWB, so white‐footed mice may not
exhibit gene flow that is correlated with forested habitats such as
Material and Methods
Study area
Our study area encompassed the Upper Wabash River Basin (UWB; Fig 1)
in north‐central Indiana, USA. The UWB contains eight major watersheds
that cumulatively drain greater than 20% of the state (>20,000 km2; Swihart and Slade 2004). Prior to European settlement, much of the UWB was forested (87% statewide; Smith et al. 1994), but conversion to agriculture has reduced forest cover to 8% within UWB. The remaining forests (mainly Quercus–Carya–Acer)
are highly fragmented and tend to be clustered around the major
drainages within UWB because floodplains or topography was not suitable
for agriculture. Currently, 96% of UWB is privately owned with 88%
designated as agriculture.
Sample collection
A full description of sampling methods can be found in Moore and Swihart (2005) and Urban and Swihart (2009), but briefly, trapping for eastern chipmunks and white‐footed mice occurred within 35, 23 km2 study sites (hereby called study cells) in the UWB during the summers of 2001–2003 (Fig. 1).
Study cells were selected via algorithms designed to maximize the
diversity of land cover types sampled within the UWB (Urban and Swihart 2009).
Within each study cell, potential locations for trapping grids
(30 × 30 m pixels) were classified according to 1 of 5 land cover
categories (agriculture, forest, grassland, wetland, or urban) using
geographic information system layers of land use (Moore and Swihart 2005; Urban and Swihart 2009).
We then used a stratified random design to select trapping grid
locations within study cells so that natural land cover types (i.e.,
grassland, forest, and wetland; 27.8% of grids for each land cover type
within study cells) were disproportionally represented as compared to
urban and agriculture (13.9 and 2.8% of all grids within study cells,
respectively). In total, a maximum of 45 trapping grids were placed
within each study cell with 1–3 grids within a patch of habitat (Swihart
and Slade 2004; Moore and Swihart 2005; Urban and Swihart 2009).
methods within study cells (i.e., grid dimensions and type of trap)
varied by year and forest patch size. In 2001, we placed either 3 × 3
(small to medium forest patches) or 7 × 7 (large forest patches) grids
of Fitch live traps spaced 15 m apart within study cells. Sherman live
traps or a mix of Fitch and Sherman live traps, arranged as 3 × 3 or
5 × 5 trapping grids, was deployed in study cells in 2002 and 2003.
Habitat corridors identified as treed and nontreed land cover features
<30 m wide were fitted with 5 × 2 grids. Each trapping session
consisted of a prebait period with traps locked open for 3 days,
followed by a 5‐day trap‐check session, during which traps were checked
twice daily. Traps were baited with black oil sunflower seeds, and upon
capture, ear or toe clips were removed from animals using sterile
scissors. Following sampling, animals were treated with ferric
subsulfate if bleeding occurred and released. All animals were handled
according to procedures approved by the Purdue Animal Care and Use
Committee under protocol #01–024. We stored all tissues at −80°C until
DNA extraction.
Microsatellite genotyping
used an ammonium acetate protocol and an ethanol wash to extract DNA
from tissue samples (modified from the PUREGENE kit; Gentra Systems,
Minneapolis, MN). DNA quality was checked by running 3 μL of
DNA out on a 2% agarose gel stained with ethidium 12 bromide, and then,
DNA extracts were diluted to a final concentration of approximately
10 ng/μL. Chipmunk samples were amplified at 12 (EACH01‐12; Anderson et al. 2007) microsatellite loci, while white‐footed mice were amplified at 10 loci [PO‐26, PO‐85, Po‐97 (Prince et al. 2002); Pml01, Pml02, Pml05, Pml09, Pml12 (Chirhart et al. 2000); PLGT15 (Schmidt 1999)]. Amplification by multiplex PCR took place in 10 μL volumes with 20 ng of template DNA, 0.2 mM of each dNTP, 1 U of Taq DNA polymerase (NEB), and 2× Thermopol reaction buffer (20 mM Tris‐HCl, 10 mM (NH4)2SO4, 10 mM KCl, 2 mM MgSO4, 0.1% Triton X‐100; NEB). The amount of primer for each locus (0.05–0.30 μM)
was adjusted so that all loci in the multiplex reaction would result in
approximately equal intensities of product. The amplification
conditions were as follows: initial 94°C for 2 min, 35 cycles of 94°C
for 30 s, primer‐specific annealing temperature for 30 s, 72°C for 30 s,
then a final extension of 72°C for 10 min, and a soak at 60°C for
45 min. The PCR products were sized on an Applied Biosystems 3730
automated sequencer, and the genotypes were determined for all loci in
all individuals using the software GeneMapper 3.7 (Applied Biosystems,
Foster City, CA).
We utilized multiple
quality control methods to ensure accuracy of microsatellite genotypes.
First, a negative control, two pre‐amplified positive controls, and a
concurrently amplified positive control were run on every 96‐well plate.
Any ambiguous samples were re‐amplified and genotyped again at all
loci, and any missing genotypes were re‐amplified in the multiplex
reaction up to two times. If there were still missing genotypes after
re‐amplifying the multiplex, samples were amplified using single locus
reactions to attempt to retrieve the missing genotypes. Finally, if
missing genotypes remained, we re‐extracted the samples and genotyped
the individuals at all loci. Only individuals with <30% missing
genotypes were accepted into the final dataset. Following quality
control, we removed 7 study cells that occurred within the eastern
portion of the UWB from our dataset because they did not provide
sufficient sample sizes of one of the species for genetic analysis. Our
final dataset consisted of 1229 chipmunks (107 of 14,916 or 0.717%
missing genotypes) and 959 white‐footed mice (237 of 9630 or 2.461%
missing genotypes) across 28 study cells.
Population differentiation and diversity
For each study cell, deviations from Hardy–Weinberg (HWE) and linkage equilibrium (LE) were calculated in genepop (Raymond and Rousset 1995). We corrected for multiple tests using false discovery rate (α = 0.013; Benjamini and Yekutieli 2001), and null allele frequencies were calculated in micro‐checker (Van Oosterhout et al. 2004).
Microsatellite loci were eliminated from analyses if they consistently
deviated from HWE in all study cells. We then used the R (R Development
Core Team 2013) package diveRsity (function “divBasic”; Keenan et al. 2013) to quantify four genetic diversity measures (allelic richness, number of alleles, heterozygosity, and F
IS). Two measures of genetic differentiation between study cells, F
ST and Jost's D (D
EST; Jost 2008),
were also calculated in diveRsity to serve as response variables for
the landscape genetic analyses. For each genetic diversity and
differentiation metric, 95% confidence intervals were calculated after
10,000 permutations.
To gain insight into potential
major barriers to gene flow within the entire UWB study area, we tested
two potential causes (geographic distance and the Wabash River) using
Mantel tests. First, a simple Mantel test quantified the relationship
between geographic distance and genetic differentiation; a positive
relationship would indicate the presence of isolation‐by‐distance (IBD;
Wright 1943).
Second, we utilized a partial Mantel test to test whether the Wabash
River, the major river within our study area, serves as a barrier to
gene flow. A partial Mantel test allows for control of variables such as
geographic distance and hence isolation of the variable of interest
(i.e., Wabash River). Pairs of individuals were coded as either a 1
(different sides of the Wabash River) or a 0 (same side) for the partial
Mantel test. All Mantel test calculations were performed in the R
package vegan (Oksanen et al. 2012) using the functions “mantel” and “mantel.partial” via 10,000 permutations.
addition to the UWB landscape‐level tests for IBD and isolation due to
the Wabash River, we also tested for the presence of IBD within each
23 km2 study cell using individual‐based simple Mantel tests. Individual‐based genetic distances (Rousset's a; Rousset 2000) were calculated in spagedi v. 1.2 (Hardy and Vekemans 2002), and simple Mantel tests were performed in vegan. As a complement to the simple Mantel tests, we tested for fine‐scale genetic structure using spatial autocorrelations in genalex 6.2 (Peakall and Smouse 2006). Both species were expected to exhibit significant positive spatial autocorrelation coefficients (r; Peakall et al. 2003)
at small distance intervals due to restricted dispersal. We evaluated
different distance intervals (50–500 m) as recommended by Banks and
Peakall (2012)
and found 100‐m intervals maintained a sufficient sample size within
each distance interval for both species. Regardless of the distance
interval, we bounded our analyses between 0 and 2 km in spatial
autocorrelation calculations.
Bayesian clustering analysis
identify the number of genetic clusters of chipmunks and white‐footed
mice within the UWB, we utilized two Bayesian clustering programs: structure (Pritchard et al. 2000) and baps 6 (Corander et al. 2008). Both programs group individuals into predefined genetic clusters (K)
that minimize deviations from HWE and LE. While these programs have
been shown to be robust under a number of potential scenarios (e.g.,
Latch et al. 2006; Safner et al. 2011),
multiple authors suggest running several Bayesian programs to examine
variability according to calculation methods and prior information
(Latch et al. 2006; Frantz et al. 2009).
structure was performed under two
scenarios: one with no prior spatial information and one with study cell
included under the LOCPRIOR option. All Bayesian programs including structure can identify false clusters due to weak barriers to gene flow (Latch et al. 2006) or sampling along a genetic gradient (Frantz et al. 2009; Schwartz and McKelvey 2009), so including a spatial prior helps to minimize detection of erroneous clusters. For each scenario, we initially tested K = 1–20 with 10 replicate runs (100,000 MCMC burn‐in, 100,000 permutations) at each K under the admixture, correlated alleles model. The optimal K was then determined via the Evanno et al. (2005)'s ΔK method, and ten longer runs (1,000,000 MCMC burn‐in, 1,000,000 permutations) at the optimal K were used to calculate q‐values, the proportion of each individual's genome that belongs to each cluster. Q‐values were averaged across the ten longer runs via the program clumpp (Jakobsson and Rosenberg 2007), and individuals were assigned to a cluster based on their highest q.
Each cluster was then run iteratively using the same conditions as the
full dataset to identify any hierarchical structure across the UWB. We
continued iterative runs until all clusters had no further structure as
indicated by ΔK.
For comparative purposes, we also employed a spatially explicit approach in baps 6 to identify genetic structure of chipmunks and white‐footed mice across the UWB. baps
utilizes geographic information (i.e., geographic coordinates) as a
prior, and based on maximum likelihood and highest posterior
probabilities, determines the optimal K. We tested K = 1 through 20 with 10 replicates per K
using the “Spatial Clustering of Individuals” option and saved the
output for the admixture analysis. Admixture between inferred clusters
was calculated using 500 simulations based on observed allele
Landscape genetics: landscape configuration between study cells
flow in both species is likely a function of both landscape
configuration between study cells and landscape complexity within study
cells (Pflüger and Balkenhol 2014).
Previous studies have documented that landscape configuration between
populations impact gene flow in both chipmunks (Anderson et al. 2015) and white‐footed mice (Munshi‐South 2012),
so we expected configuration to be correlated with genetic
differentiation in both species. Within the UWB, chipmunks and
white‐footed mice are fairly ubiquitous (Moore and Swihart 2005),
but multiple measures of landscape complexity within study cells have
been related to variance in abundance (Rizkalla and Swihart 2012) and occupancy (Moore and Swihart 2005)
within the study area. Therefore, landscape genetic hypotheses
incorporated both landscape configuration between study cells and
metrics of landscape complexity that have previously been correlated
with abundance and occupancy within the UWB.
evaluate how landscape configuration between study cells could influence
gene flow, we designed six resistance surfaces for each species based
on the 30 × 30 m national land cover database (NLCD 2001; Homer et al. 2007)
raster clipped to the UWB. The first two resistance surfaces,
isolation‐by‐distance (IBD) and isolation‐by‐barrier (IBB), served as
null hypotheses. All pixels within the IBD resistance surface were given
a value of 1, and the IBB resistance only assumed that open water was
highly resistant to movement. Consequently, the resistance of open water
in the IBB resistance surface was set to 500 with all other pixels set
to 1.
The remaining four resistance surfaces were
parameterized using species‐specific movement and mortality data derived
from six land cover types common in the UWB (forest, wetland, urban,
open water, grassland, and agriculture; Rizkalla and Swihart 2012; Table S1).
each of these four resistance surfaces, forest was assumed to be the
preferred habitat of both species and thus was assigned a resistance
value of 1 (probability of mortality = 0.01, movement = 1.0; Rizkalla
and Swihart 2012).
Resistances for all other land cover types were calculated based on
their probabilities of mortality or movement defined in Rizkalla and
Swihart (2012; Table S1). For example, the probability of a chipmunk moving into wetland in Rizkalla and Swihart (2012)
was five times lower than forest, so the resistance value for wetland
was 5 for the movement surfaces. Unlike all other land cover types, we
had to combine roads and urban habitat into a single category (urban)
due to the spatial extent of our study area. Combining these categories
presented a potential problem because while urban habitat and roads are
known to impede gene flow in rodents (e.g., Munshi‐South 2012; Marrotte et al. 2014),
mortality and movement probabilities (and by extension resistance
values) were much higher for roads than unroaded urban habitat (Rizkalla
and Swihart 2012).
To reconcile the differences between roaded and urban habitats, we
varied resistance for urban to reflect either resistances of roads or
urban habitat as defined in Rizkalla and Swihart (2012;
Table S2). Thus, each species had two null hypothesis surfaces (IBD and
IBB), two based on urban mortality (high resistance for urban = MortH,
low resistance for urban = MortL), and two based on urban movement
probabilities (high resistance for urban = MoveH, low resistance for
urban = MoveL).
Each of the six resistance surfaces (IBD, IBB, MortL, MortH, MoveL, and MoveH; Table 1) was used as an input to the program circuitscape v 4.0.5 (McRae and Shah 2009)
to calculate landscape resistance distances between study cells.
Resistance distances, in essence, represent the difficulty of traversing
the landscape between study cells, so resistance distances are expected
to be positively correlated with genetic differentiation between study
cells. Calculation methods in circuitscape
combine graph and circuit theory by constructing a graph of all the
study cells where each study cell is a node connected through edges
(i.e., potential dispersal paths between study cells). Edges then
function as resistors on an electrical circuit where the magnitude of
each resistor can be defined by the resistance surface provided.
Resistance distances between study sites for a given resistance surface
are calculated by summing all resistors (i.e., edges between study
cells) across all possible pathways. Multiple pathways are more
realistic than single path analyses (e.g., least cost path; McRae and
Beier 2007) because neither of these rodent species is likely to utilize a single path for dispersal.
each species, we modeled connectivity employing only a single
resistance surface at a time, resulting in six runs per species. Each
run in circuitscape assumed that
resistance surfaces reflected resistance values instead of conductance
values and allowed for nodes to be connected by eight cell neighbors.
For each resistance surface input, circuitscape
outputs a matrix of landscape resistance distances between all study
cells, which serve as our measure of landscape configuration between
study cells and explanatory variables in subsequent landscape genetic
Landscape genetics: landscape complexity within study cells
While circuitscape
allows for quantification of how intervening landscape configuration
may impact gene flow, multiple authors have suggested that demographic
parameters (e.g., abundance; Nowakowski et al. 2015; density; Busch et al. 2009; effective population size; Weckworth et al. 2013)
within study areas also influence gene flow between populations.
Abundance, for example, has a powerful influence on dispersal regimes
and resultant gene flow in rodents (Cutrera et al. 2005; McEachern et al. 2007; Busch et al. 2009),
but many demographic parameters can be difficult to measure at large
spatial scales like that of this study. A potential solution to this
problem is calculating landscape complexity metrics that are known to be
correlated with relevant demographic parameters like abundance. For the
UWB, most previous studies involved quantifying how fragmentation
impacts population dynamics within forest patches, not across the entire
study cell. Abundances within forest patches are known to vary
according to a number of complexity variables (Nupp and Swihart 1998; Moore and Swihart 2005; Rizkalla and Swihart 2012),
so extrapolating patterns observed in forest patches to an entire study
cell is not ideal. Many influences on gene flow are scale dependent
(Anderson et al. 2010),
so estimating abundances or focusing on metrics important for
patch‐based processes likely will not translate to broad‐scale patterns
in gene flow. Therefore, we included complexity variables that were
relevant for simulated abundances within each study cell instead of
previous patch‐based complexity metrics or abundance estimates.
Based on Rizkalla and Swihart (2012),
we chose three complexity metrics (proportion of forest, patch density,
and Clumpy) that were strongly correlated with simulated abundances
within the UWB. The advantage of focusing on complexity metrics that
were correlated with simulated abundances is that total abundances were
known, so the complexity metrics were both important at the study cell
scale and are known to reflect differences in abundance. We calculated
proportion of forest, patch density, and Clumpy, a measure of patch
aggregation, in fragstats v. 4.2 (McGarigal et al. 2012) based on Moore and Swihart's (2005) reclassified 3 × 3 m rasters of each 23 km2
study cell with a 1.6‐km buffer. In total, all statistical models
included three landscape complexity metrics as explanatory variables:
proportion forest (prFor), patch density (PD), and Clumpy (Table 1).
Landscape genetics: statistical analysis
performed two statistical tests to examine the relationship between our
measures of landscape configuration and complexity and genetic
differentiation (F
ST and D
EST). Our first analysis used multiple regression on distance matrices (MRDM; Legendre et al. 1994),
an extension of Mantel tests that can incorporate multiple pairwise
matrices as explanatory variables. MRDM requires that all variables are
pairwise distances, so we utilized the average landscape complexity
metrics (i.e., prFor, PD, and Clumpy) for each pair of study cells. As a
result, we conducted twelve MRDM tests per species, one test per
resistance surface for F
ST or D
EST. Each model included four explanatory variable matrices:
one matrix of resistance distances calculated from a resistance surface
(IBD, IBB, MortL, MortH, MoveL, or MoveH) and three average landscape
complexity metrics. Explanatory variables were eliminated from each MRDM
model based on Zuur et al. (2009) where a final model only included variables that were significantly correlated with F
ST or D
EST. Resultant reduced models, thus, reflect the combination
of landscape complexity variables that explain the most variance in
genetic differentiation for each resistance (configuration) surface. For
the best overall model that combined both configuration and complexity,
we selected the model with the highest adjusted R
2 among the six reduced MRDM models for each genetic distance. Statistical significance of each explanatory variable and R
2 were calculated via 10,000 permutations of the genetic differentiation matrices within the R package ecodist (function “MRM”; Goslee and Urban 2007).
second complementary analysis utilized distance‐based redundancy
analysis (dbRDA), a multivariate analog to multiple linear regression
(Legendre and Legendre 2012). A dbRDA first transforms pairwise response distances (i.e., F
ST and D
EST) using principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) and extracts
all PCoA vectors that have positive eigenvalues. Then, a redundancy
analysis is performed with the PCoA vectors as the response variable.
Unlike MRDM, dbRDA requires site‐specific explanatory variables, so we
transformed the resistance distance matrices into a connectivity index
for each study cell using the following equation:
where S
i is the connectivity index for study cell i, α is a scalar correlated with average dispersal distance of the species, and d is the resistance distance between sample sites i and j (Moilanen and Nieminen 2002).
Each matrix of resistance distances was transformed into connectivity
indices for the 28 study cells, and along with the three complexity
metrics (prFor, PD, and Clumpy), served as explanatory variables within
twelve dbRDA tests per species (i.e., one for each resistance surface
for F
ST and D
EST). We used the function “capscale” within vegan
to perform dbRDA tests and function “ordistep” to perform forward
selection to eliminate explanatory variables for each resistance
surface. Finally, adjusted R
2 for each reduced dbRDA model was calculated via the function “RsquareAdj” in vegan, and like the MRDM analysis, we chose the best reduced dbRDA among the six resistance surfaces based on the highest adjusted R
While both MRDM and dbRDA provide estimates of model fit (i.e., adjusted R
2), we sought to calculate measures of variance around each
estimate from tested models. Therefore, we bootstrap resampled our
dataset for each species 1000 times to calculate means and 95%
confidence intervals around each F statistic, regression coefficient,
and R
2 value. All MRDM and dbRDA tests were performed on each
bootstrap permutation as described above. This method of resampling
allows for further comparison among models, particularly regarding how
landscape resistance hypotheses compare to IBD and IBB. Specifically, if
the 95% confidence intervals of model fit estimates (i.e., R
2) of landscape resistance models did not encompass those of
IBD and IBB, we considered this strong evidence for landscape effects on
gene flow.
Population differentiation and diversity
chipmunks, no consistent deviations in either HWE or LE were observed
in any study cell, whereas 2 loci (PO‐26 and Pml02) deviated from HWE in
all study cells in white‐footed mice. microchecker
suggested that these two loci may contain null alleles (frequency
>0.152), so we eliminated PO‐26 and Pml02 from all subsequent
analyses. Although genetic diversities were similar between study cells
for both species, many study cells exhibited heterozygote deficiencies
(Table 2), a potential consequence of population substructure within those cells (i.e., Wahlund effect).
Genetic diversity metrics for each study cell across 12 and 8 loci for chipmunks and white‐footed mice, respectively
All genetic differentiation metrics for chipmunks were significantly different from zero (all P < 0.001) for both F
ST (range: 0.010–0.125) and D
EST (range: 0.011–0.309). In contrast, only 77.31% of F
ST (range: −0.001 to 0.052) and 69.79% of D
EST (range: 0.001–0.227) values were significantly different
from zero in white‐footed mice. For both species, the smallest genetic
differentiation values occurred between proximate study cells within the
southwestern corner, the most heavily forested study cells, of our
study area.
We found that geographic
distance impacted genetic differentiation for both species within the
UWB, but not the Wabash River (all partial Mantel r < 0.125, all P > 0.051).
Geographic distance had differing impacts on chipmunks and white‐footed
mice across the UWB. Chipmunks exhibited strong IBD across the study
area (Mantel r
FST = 0.342, Mantel r
DEST = 0.377, both P < 0.001) and within 25 of 28 study cells (all significant r > 0.085, P < 0.025: Table S5). Simple Mantel tests were not significant for IBD across the study area for white‐footed mice (Mantel r
FST = 0.085, Mantel r
DEST = 0.071, both P > 0.225), but 23 of 28 IBD tests within study cells were significant (Mantel r > 0.125, P < 0.045;
Table S5). Despite the differences in IBD test results, both species
exhibited significant positive spatial autocorrelations for individuals
captured 100 m or less apart (i.e., smallest distance interval within
the spatial autocorrelations) in the majority of study cells (27 of 28
in both chipmunks and white‐footed mice; Table S2). Regardless of the
size of distance classes within the spatial autocorrelations, results
for the smallest distance class remained consistent. Although sample
size prohibited distance classes smaller than 50 m, the consistent
results across multiple distance classes provide strong evidence for
restricted dispersal within study cells.
Bayesian clustering analysis
Both Bayesian clustering programs supported considerable genetic structure in chipmunks, but disagreed on the ideal K. structure detected evidence for hierarchical structure where the first run's highest ΔK occurred at K = 2 regardless if location priors were included (ΔK = 57.152 or 82.812 for no priors and location priors, respectively; Fig. S1). The average likelihoods for K = 2 between the no priors (−56303.0) and location priors (−56304.2) runs also supported K = 2.
The first major split generally corresponded to an east–west gradient
where eastern individuals were highly assigned to the first cluster and
western individuals to the second cluster (Fig. 2A).
Iterative runs on the first major cluster eventually revealed four
additional subclusters, whereas the second major cluster contained three
subclusters (Fig. 2A). There was some evidence for further substructure in multiple subclusters (ΔK = 15.671–18.752
or 25.062–28.123 for no priors or priors, respectively), but
assignments within these clusters were either weak (most q = 0.35–0.75)
or clusters only occurred within a single study cell. Based on the
strong IBD found within study cells and weak assignments within putative
clusters, the further substructure likely reflects a combination of
false clusters due to IBD (Frantz et al. 2009) and fine‐scale structure within study cells.

Results of the structure (A) and baps (B) analysis for eastern chipmunks across the UWB. structure
revealed complex hierarchical genetic structure (upper left) where
after iterative runs, the ending number of putative clusters was seven
(C1a.1, C1a.2, ...
Substructure within study cells clearly influenced the total K found in baps, where K = 17 had the modal likelihood (−55434.181). One cluster contained a few individuals (n = 4) scattered across the study area, a likely “ghost population” (Corander and Marttinen 2006; Latch et al. 2006), which reduced the optimal K to 16. All other clusters contain >20 individuals, so they were considered putative clusters. In general, baps corroborated the major splits detected by structure with additional substructure identified within study cells (Fig. 2B). Similar to the structure results, baps
assigned much of the densely sampled southwestern portion of our study
area to one cluster with many additional, more isolated clusters
detected in the sparsely sampled areas. However, baps can indicate discrete clusters in cases where sampling gaps occur in populations exhibiting IBD (Frantz et al. 2009), which likely explains the differences in the optimal K between the Bayesian algorithms.
contrast to chipmunks, neither of the Bayesian programs revealed strong
evidence of genetic structure in white‐footed mice across the study
area. In structure, the highest ΔK occurred at K = 2
for both no priors (4.0444, likelihood = −35425.5) and location priors
(8.254, likelihood = −36210.3), but were not distinct from any other K (Fig. S2). Furthermore, the majority of q‐values ranged from 0.35 to 0.65, and when plotted, the spatial distribution of the clusters had little clarity (Fig. 3A). Therefore, we considered the most likely K in structure to be 1. Similarly, the modal likelihood for baps was K = 3
(−36022.152), with the vast majority of individuals assigned to a
single cluster (900 of 959 individuals). One of the clusters had only
nine individuals and was not considered valid, whereas the second
primarily occurred within a single study cell (Fig. 3B). Overall, white‐footed mice showed very little genetic structure with no clear spatial structure as observed in chipmunks.
Landscape genetics
configuration between study cells and to a lesser extent complexity
within study cells played a role in driving genetic differentiation
between study cells for chipmunks, but not in white‐footed mice. In the
MRDM analysis for chipmunks, all reduced models (12 total; 6 for each
genetic distance) regardless of the resistance surface included
resistance distance as a significant explanatory variable (Table S3).
Pairwise resistance distances (i.e., measure of landscape configuration
between study cells) always were positively correlated with genetic
differentiation regardless of genetic distance. No MRDM model included
any landscape complexity variables.
The top MRDM model in chipmunks (i.e., the model with the highest adjusted R
2) among the resistance surfaces differed based on the genetic distance (Table 3). In the six models that had F
ST as the response variable, the reduced model for the IBD resistance surface (i.e., null model) explained the most variance (R2adj = 0.071). The 95% confidence intervals around the adjusted R
2 for the reduced IBD model indicated no models containing
alternative resistance surfaces were competing models because the 95%
confidence intervals did not overlap. For the six D
EST reduced models, the reduced model that included the MoveL
resistance distances and no complexity variables explained the most
variance (R2adj = 0.106; Table 3). No other models were considered top models because their 95% confidence intervals around adjusted R
2 did not overlap those of the MoveL resistance surface.
model statistics for multiple regression on distance matrices (MRDM)
that quantified the relationship between genetic differentiation (F
ST and D
EST) and landscape variables (i.e., configuration and complexity) in chipmunks and white‐footed ...
dbRDA analysis in chipmunks was complementary to the results of the
MRDM analysis because it found that configuration (connectivity indices)
was important in explaining genetic differentiation (Table S4). Results
from the dbRDA models also suggested that Clumpy affected genetic
differentiation unlike the MRDM analyses. All reduced dbRDA models for F
ST and D
EST contained both connectivity indices derived from
resistance distances and Clumpy. Likewise, the top reduced models among
the six resistance surfaces for both measures of genetic distance (12
total reduced models) incorporated connectivity indices calculated from
the MortH resistance surface and Clumpy (F
ST: R2adj = 0.156, D
EST: R2adj = 0.156; Table 4). Calculated 95% confidence intervals around each top model's adjusted R
2 did not overlap any competing models, and thus, the top
models explained more variance than both our null resistance surfaces
(IBB and IBD). Unlike the MRDM analysis, dbRDA found that resistance
surfaces with highly resistant urban habitat explained genetic variation
better than those with weak resistances for urban habitat This
counterintuitive results indicate that MRDM, an extension of Mantel
tests, may suffer from reduced power to detect landscape genetic
patterns (Legendre and Fortin 2010).
By collapsing resistance distances into a single connectivity metric
for dbRDA, we obtained stronger evidence for landscape effects on gene
flow. Therefore, if MRDM failed to detect Clumpy due to reduced power,
both landscape configuration and complexity appear to influence gene
flow in chipmunks based on dbRDA.
from the distance‐based redundancy analysis (dbRDA) for eastern
chipmunks relating landscape variables and connectivity indices to two
measures of genetic differentiation (F
ST and D
for white‐footed mice, in contrast, supported the evidence for limited
genetic structure detected by the Bayesian clustering analysis. No
configuration or complexity variables were significant for any
resistance surface in the MRDM analyses. Similarly, forward selection in
dbRDA always selected the null model across the 1000 bootstrap
permutations for each resistance surface. Overall, it appears that
landscape configuration and complexity had little impact on gene flow in
white‐footed mice.
the ubiquity of chipmunks and white‐footed mice across the highly
fragmented UWB, these species exhibited dramatically different patterns
of genetic structure across the landscape. Chipmunks exhibited strong
IBD, hierarchical genetic clustering, and patterns of genetic
differentiation that were correlated with both resistance distances and
patch aggregation (Clumpy). White‐footed mice, in contrast, had an
overall lack of genetic structure with no signal of IBD, no discrete
genetic clusters, and no evidence of landscape effects on genetic
structure across the >20,000 km2 UWB. Taken together, it
appears that chipmunks’ greater dependence on forest cover explains the
differences in gene flow observed between chipmunks and white‐footed
mice. Thus, niche specialization on forests appears to be a more
powerful influence on our focal species’ gene flow and corresponding
sensitivities to fragmentation than body size within the UWB.
Gene flow of eastern chipmunks and white‐footed mice
differentiation in both chipmunks and white‐footed mice was strongly
correlated with geographic distance within study cells. The simple
Mantel tests and spatial autocorrelations suggested restricted dispersal
within the majority of study cells, particularly with individuals
separated by less than 100 m (i.e., within a trapping grid or patch).
For chipmunks, fine‐scale genetic differentiation in our study area is
consistent with other studies that have documented short dispersal
distances in both sexes (<200 m; Loew 2000; Messier et al. 2012).
In general, recorded dispersal distances in white‐footed mice are
shorter than those of chipmunks (<100 m; Jacquot and Vessey 1995),
but spatial autocorrelations revealed evidence for restricted dispersal
in both species. Therefore, the larger body size of chipmunks may not
translate to greater gene flow than white‐footed mice within this
agricultural ecosystem.
Despite the similar levels of
fine‐scale genetic structure within study cells, we detected
dramatically different levels of putative gene flow and genetic
differentiation in eastern chipmunks and white‐footed mice across the
UWB. Eastern chipmunks exhibited strong IBD and formed a number of
discrete genetic clusters, whereas white‐footed mice formed a large,
panmictic population. The complex, hierarchical structure of eastern
chipmunks was primarily driven by IBD and to a lesser extent by
landscape heterogeneity across the UWB. structure
revealed at least three different layers of clustering for chipmunks
where the major split revealed an east–west gradient, likely a result of
IBD. Another distinct pattern was the high connectivity (i.e., most
study cells were assigned to a single cluster) within the southwestern
portion of the study area along the Wabash River. Forests were
concentrated along rivers, so the presence of relatively continuous
habitat within the southwestern area of the study area likely
facilitated chipmunk gene flow between study cells. In contrast, many
more clusters were found in the eastern portion of the study area than
the southwestern area, but it is difficult to determine whether genetic
differentiation was due to the greater proportion of agricultural lands
between study cells or simply the large gaps between study cells that
had suitable numbers of chipmunks. Sampling along a genetic gradient
(i.e., IBD) in combination with low levels of genetic differentiation
can create false clusters within Bayesian programs (e.g., Latch et al. 2006; Frantz et al. 2009; Schwartz and McKelvey 2009),
so the diffuse sampling and large tracts of unsuitable habitat between
study cells both could have contributed the high number of clusters
within the eastern portion of our study area. Regardless of sampling,
the high connectivity observed within the southwestern area of the study
area and high differentiation within the less forested regions provide
evidence for forest being an important driver of gene flow within
eastern chipmunks.
Further evidence for forest driving
gene flow in chipmunks was found in the landscape genetics analysis,
although variation explained by the best models was low. In all analyses
but F
ST MRDM tests (18 of 24), MRDM and dbRDA suggested that
landscape configuration metrics (i.e., resistance surfaces) explained
more variance than IBD. Combined with the Bayesian clustering results
and previous fine‐scale studies (Anderson et al. 2015),
our landscape genetic analysis suggests that forests promote gene flow
between study cells for chipmunks. Complexity of forested habitat within
study cells may also play a role in explaining patterns of genetic
differentiation in chipmunks. Similar to resistance surfaces, dbRDA
found aggregation of forests within study cells to impact gene flow
where study cells with similar Clumpy metrics had lower genetic
differentiation. This pattern was largely driven by the study cells with
highly aggregated forest patches (i.e., southwestern study cells) that
experienced high levels of gene flow according to the Bayesian
clustering programs. Less fragmented patches (i.e., greater clumpiness
index) of suitable habitat have been recorded to facilitate gene flow in
both empirical (Kelly et al. 2014) and simulated (Kierepka and Latch 2015) studies of fragmentation, so it appears that chipmunks experience higher gene flow in less fragmented forested habitats.
we found strong evidence for forests as a facilitator of gene flow,
MRDM and dbRDA disagreed on how urban habitat impacts gene flow in
chipmunks. MRDM implied that urban habitat was not a strong barrier to
gene flow (i.e., MortL had the lowest resistance for urban), whereas the
most variance in dbRDA was explained with MoveH, the model with the
highest resistance for urban. Several possibilities could explain this
discrepancy. First, only dbRDA controls for the effects of IBD, so MDRM
may have not had the power to differentiate landscape effects from IBD.
Urban habitats, principally large roads, have been suggested to be
barriers to chipmunks (Oxley et al. 1974; Ford and Fahrig 2008; McGregor et al. 2008),
which agrees with the dbRDA results. The MRDM results, in contrast,
suggest that the reduced movement across roads may not translate to
genetic differentiation, perhaps due to a time lag (Landguth et al. 2010) or high effective population sizes (Gauffre et al. 2008). Roads did not separate genetic clusters in a previous fine‐scale analysis of chipmunks (Anderson et al. 2015), but Hennessy (2012)
found that large interstates within Indiana form substantial genetic
barriers for both chipmunks and white‐footed mice. Therefore, the roads
in the UWB may not be large enough to cause observable genetic
differentiation within our focal species. Alternatively, studies that
detect genetic differentiation often involve targeted sampling along
focal roads (e.g., Riley et al. 2006; Frantz et al. 2012; Hennessy 2012; Marsh et al. 2012), so more directed sampling could elucidate whether roads or urban habitat inhibit chipmunk gene flow within the UWB.
chipmunks, geographic distance and forested habitat had little impact
on genetic structure in white‐footed mice across the UWB. Neither
Bayesian program found evidence of genetic substructure, and all
landscape genetic analyses indicated that one of our null models (e.g.,
IBD) fit the data best. Despite white‐footed mice being a generalist,
the overall lack of genetic structure across the UWB was surprising
because they possess several ecological and life‐history traits that
would favor the formation of genetic structure. Decreased maximum
movement by white‐footed mice within agricultural fields as compared to
chipmunks (Rizkalla and Swihart 2007) and limited perceptual range of white‐footed mice in agricultural fields (Zollner and Lima 1997)
both suggest that fragmentation within the UWB should lead to genetic
differentiation much like that observed for urban populations
(Munshi‐South 2012).
Despite such predictions, however, the lack of genetic structure we
observed in this species corroborates the observations of previous
investigations (Mossman and Waser 2001).
Thus, while seemingly unlikely, it is quite possible that white‐footed
mice traverse agricultural fields more successfully than their size and
mobility would predict (Cummings and Vessey 1994), especially if corridors such as fencerows are present.
In addition, white‐footed mice can persist at high abundances in agricultural ecosystems (Cummings and Vessey 1994), and high population abundances and occupancy rates have been documented for this species within the UWB (Nupp and Swihart 1998; Moore and Swihart 2005).
Given their high abundances, occupancy rates, and genetic diversity
within study cells, white‐footed mice likely maintain high effective
population sizes across the UWB, which in turn resists genetic drift and
subsequent spatial differentiation (e.g., Gauffre et al. 2008; Rico et al. 2009).
Therefore, despite apparent limitations in movement, the high effective
population sizes of white‐footed mice may counteract the isolating
factors of fragmentation, resulting in the panmictic population
structure observed within our dataset.
Agreement between genetic and demographic effects of fragmentation
our broad prediction that ecological specialization would enhance
genetic structure in chipmunks inhabiting the UWB agroecosystem was well
supported, congruence between our study and previous studies of how
habitat alteration impacts rodents within the UWB was mixed. Chipmunk
gene flow generally agreed with hypotheses for landscape configuration
derived from Rizkalla and Swihart (2012),
which provides further evidence that chipmunk dependence on forest
habitat drives both within study cell parameters (i.e., abundance; Nupp
and Swihart 1998; Rizkalla and Swihart 2012; occupancy; Moore and Swihart 2005) and gene flow (Anderson et al. 2015).
In contrast, most landscape complexity metrics were not correlated with
genetic differentiation in either species. The latter result is
consistent with Swihart et al. (2006),
who as part of a multispecies analysis found that residual variation in
cell‐level occupancy of chipmunks and white‐footed mice was not
explained by landscape complexity metrics after accounting for variation
due to niche specialization, proximity to range boundary, and
phylogeny. Nonetheless, the lack of relationship between landscape
complexity and genetic differentiation was surprising given that the
same complexity metrics predicted abundance in the UWB (Rizkalla and
Swihart 2012),
and dispersal in eastern chipmunks and white‐footed mice is related to
environmental conditions in other populations (Morris and Diffendorfer 2004; Messier et al. 2012). A number of factors can contribute to incongruencies between field and genetic‐based studies (e.g., Gauffre et al. 2008; Spear et al. 2010; Wasserman et al. 2010; Mateo‐Sánchez et al. 2015),
but we hypothesize that a combination of large effective population
sizes, particularly in white‐footed mice, and scale masked the influence
of landscape complexity on gene flow.
of fragmentation on populations can be measured in multiple ways
including local abundance, occupancy, and genetics, but studies indicate
the strength of correlations between these effects and landscape
heterogeneity varies both across space and over time (e.g., Anderson
et al. 2010; Jackson and Fahrig 2014). Effects of landscape heterogeneity on abundance or occupancy may be strong within study cells (Moore and Swihart 2005; Rizkalla and Swihart 2012), but genetic effects of fragmentation (i.e., losses in genetic diversity; Jackson and Fahrig 2014),
appear to be most readily detected at broad spatial scales. This
mismatch in spatial scales, therefore, may result in weak correlations
between landscape complexity and gene flow across the UWB. Furthermore,
genetic variation reflects gene flow across multiple generations, so any
fluctuations in dispersal regimes (e.g., Messier et al. 2012)
can obscure how landscape heterogeneity impacts overall gene flow.
Based on our results and the difficulty in controlling the effects of
spatial and temporal effects on gene flow, combining genetics and
field‐based studies at multiple scales will give the most complete
understanding of how fragmentation impacts focal populations.
our results highlight that habitat alteration has complex impacts on
even common species such as eastern chipmunks and white‐footed mice.
Similar to previous comparative studies (e.g., Brouat et al. 2003; DiLeo et al. 2010; Shanahan et al. 2011; Engler et al. 2014),
we found that fragmentation more strongly impacted gene flow in the
more specialized species (i.e., chipmunks) despite their larger body
size. Chipmunk gene flow was related to both landscape configuration
between study cells and landscape complexity (aggregation of forested
habitat) within study cells, whereas the generalist white‐footed mouse
formed a large, panmictic population across this complex agricultural
ecosystem. Based on our results, we caution equating larger body size to
higher gene flow, especially in fragmented landscapes where realized
dispersal distances will depend on the distribution of suitable habitat.
In addition, the predictors of abundance we considered were poor
predictors of gene flow. Only one of the three complexity metrics
associated with simulated abundance was correlated with genetic
differentiation in either species, so predicting how gene flow occurs in
fragmented landscapes can be difficult even in well‐characterized
landscapes such as the UWB. Based on the incongruence between our
genetic study and previous field‐based studies within the UWB, detection
of the negative consequences of fragmentation appears to greatly depend
on scale, so focusing on a single spatial or temporal scale may miss
critical demographic and genetic processes important for persistence in
fragmented landscapes. Therefore, effective management programs should
consider multiple lines of evidence (e.g., occupancy, abundance, and
gene flow) that vary according to scale to gain a more complete
understanding of how species respond to habitat fragmentation.
Supporting information
Table S1. Resistance values of each resistance surface for chipmunks and white footed mice.
Table S2. Results from within study cell analyses of Mantel tests and spatial autocorrelations in chipmunks and white‐footed mice.
Table S3. Parameter estimates for reduced models for
each resistance surface (IBD, IBB, MortL, MortH, MoveL, MoveH) that
quantified the relationship between landscape variables (i.e., landscape
configuration and complexity) and genetic distance (F
ST and D
EST) in eastern chipmunks.
Table S4. Parameter estimates for significant landscape
variables (configuration and complexity) within the reduced dbRDA
models for eastern chipmunks.
Figure S1. Results of the structure analysis of K = 1 to 20 for all sampled chipmunks (n = 1229) across the UWB.
Figure S2. Results of the Structure analysis for all white‐footed mice (n = 959) across the UWB.
Click here for additional data file.(284K, docx)
support for this work was provided via three organizations. First,
funding was provided by the Cooperative State Research Education and
Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture under Agreement no.
2000‐04649 (, and the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources at Purdue University ( Additional funding was provided by the John S. Wright Fund ( and the U.S. Department of Education Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need Award P200A030188 (
This material is based in part upon work supported by the Department of
Energy Office of Environmental Management under Award Number
DE‐FC09‐07SR22506. The funders had no role in study design, data
collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the
manuscript. We would like to thank the private landowners in the Upper
Wabash River Basin, Indiana, for allowing sampling to be conducted on
their properties. We also extend gratitude to the field crews including
field technicians and crew chiefs that collected animals and digitized
geographic information layers. J.E. Moore, J. Crick, T. Preuss, L.
Connolly, and N. Engbrecht were especially integral in design and
coordination of field protocols as well as data collection and
management. Finally, we are grateful to the many sources that aided in
the GIS methods in this manuscript including the Center for Advanced
Applications in GIS at Purdue University, National Land Cover Data,
Indiana Unified Watershed Assessment, and the National Water Information
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