
Monday, 11 May 2015

A description of smallholder pig production systems in eastern Indonesia

Volume 118, Issue 4, 1 March 2015, Pages 319–327


Survey of smallholder pig farmers across eastern Indonesia.
Pigs are mainly kept as a secondary income source.
Majority of pigs are penned or tethered with some free roaming in the village.
Majority of farmers perform backyard slaughter for household meat consumption.
Farmers have limited access to animal health facilities and biosecurity is minimal.


Pig farming is a common practice among smallholder farmers in Nusa Tenggara Timur province (NTT), eastern Indonesia. To understand their production systems a survey of smallholder pig farmers was conducted. Eighteen villages were randomly selected across West Timor, Flores and Sumba islands, and 289 pig farmers were interviewed. Information on pig management, biosecurity practices, pig movements and knowledge of pig health and disease, specifically classical swine fever was collected. The mean number of pigs per herd was 5.0 (not including piglets), and total marketable herd size (pigs ≥ two months of age) did not differ significantly between islands (P = 0.215). Chickens (71%) and dogs (62%) were the most commonly kept animal species in addition to pigs. Pigs were mainly kept as a secondary income source (69%) and 83% of farmers owned at least one sow. Seventy-four percent (74%) of pigs were housed in a kandang (small bamboo pen) and 25% were tethered. Pig feeds were primarily locally sourced agricultural products (93%). The majority of farmers had no knowledge of classical swine fever (91%) and biosecurity practices were minimal. Forty-five percent (45%) reported to consuming a pig when it died and 74% failed to report cases of sick or dead pigs to appropriate authorities. Sixty-five percent (65%) of farmers reported that a veterinarian or animal health worker had never visited their village. Backyard slaughter was common practice (55%), with meat mainly used for home consumption (89%). Most (73%) farmers purchased pigs in order to raise the animal on their farm with 36% purchasing at least one pig within the last year. Predominantly fattener pigs (34%) were given as gifts for celebratory events, most commonly for funerals (32%), traditional ceremonies (27%) and marriages (10%). For improved productivity of this traditional low-input system, research incorporating farming training and improved knowledge on pig disease and biosecurity needs to be integrated with greater access to extension services.


  • ASF, African swine fever;
  • CSF, classical swine fever;
  • GLMM, generalised linear mixed model;
  • Lao PDR, Lao People's Democratic Republic;
  • NTT, Nusa Tenggara Timur;
  • WT, West Timor


  • Smallholder farmer;
  • Pigs;
  • Eastern Indonesia;
  • Biosecurity;
  • Nusa Tenggara Timur;
  • Classical swine fever

Corresponding author. Tel.: +61293511609; fax: +61293511618.