Bioactive Nutraceuticals and Dietary Supplements in Neurological and Brain DiseasePrevention and Therapy
2015, Pages 49–56
Chapter 5 – Bioactive Nutrients for Brain Health: An Overview
review focuses on the prevalence of cognitive impairment and modifiable
and nonmodifiable risk factors in aging. It summarizes some of the key
bioactive nutrients, the importance of healthy diet, and the effect of
nutritional deficiency on cognitive function. Nutritional deficiency can
lead to impaired cognitive function due to neurological—or nerve
fiber—complications. Many factors modulate the effects of nutrition on
brain health. The mechanisms involve changes in neurotrophic factors,
neural pathways, and brain plasticity, such as brain-derived
neurotrophic factors. Nutritional factors that influence neuronal
function and synaptic plasticity have revealed some of the vital
mechanisms responsible for the action of diet on cognitive function.
Cognitive impairment during aging can also be due to the failure of a
protective mechanism or to dietary deficiencies, for instance,
deficiency in antioxidants and nutrients (trace elements, vitamins, and
nonessential micronutrients such as polyphenols) that provide protection
against free radicals. The science of nutrition and brain function,
especially cognitive impairment, has an impact on quality of life and is
a noteworthy public health issue.
- Alzheimer’s disease;
- cognitive impairment;
- dementia;
- nutrition;
- deficiency
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