
Sunday, 24 May 2015

Environmental response of an Irish estuary to changing land management practices

Volumes 521–522, 15 July 2015, Pages 388–399

Environmental response of an Irish estuary to changing land management practices

  Open Access


Implications of improved environmental practices on nutrient transport were examined.
Reduced fertiliser usage and timing was linked to reduced estuarine nutrient loadings.
P and water column chlorophyll improved while N remained stable in the estuary.
Nutrient transport through an estuarine system depends on internal nutrient cycling.


Anthropogenic pressures have led to problems of nutrient over-enrichment and eutrophication in estuarine and coastal systems on a global scale. Recent improvements in farming practices, specifically a decrease in fertiliser application rates, have reduced nutrient loadings in Ireland. In line with national and European Directives, monitoring of Irish estuarine systems has been conducted for the last 30 years, allowing a comparison of the effectiveness of measures undertaken to improve water quality and chemical and biological trends. The Blackwater Estuary, which drains a large agricultural catchment on the south coast of Ireland, has experienced a decrease in calculated nitrogen (N) (17%) and phosphorus (P) (20%) loads in the last decade. Monitored long-term river inputs reflect the reductions while estuarine P concentrations, chlorophyll and dissolved oxygen saturation show concurrent improvement. Consistently high N concentrations suggest a decoupling between N loads and estuarine responses. This highlights the complex interaction between N and P load reductions, and biochemical processes relating to remineralisation and primary production which can alter the effectiveness of the estuarine filter in reducing nutrient transport to the coastal zone. Effective management and reduction of both diffuse and point nutrient sources to surface waters require a consideration of the processes which may alter the effectiveness of measures in estuarine and coastal waters.

Graphical abstract


  • Nutrient source apportionment;
  • Estuarine eutrophication;
  • Agricultural policy measures;
  • Mann–Kendall trend analysis;
  • Nitrogen and phosphorus river loads

1. Introduction

Increased nutrient enrichment derived from the rise of agricultural fertiliser use, human population pressures and atmospheric deposition has resulted in deleterious impacts on surface waters along the land–ocean continuum over past decades (Kronvang et al., 1993 and Boesch, 2002). The European Union has specifically aimed at reducing nutrient inputs through the adoption of the Nitrates and Urban Waste Water Treatment Directives (1991) and the Water Framework Directive (WFD) 2000. Decreases in the loadings of nutrients and organic matter that cause eutrophication have been documented in a number of systems in Europe and worldwide (Testa et al., 2008, Duarte et al., 2009 and Windolf et al., 2012). However, while measures have been shown to be effective in reducing the use of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertiliser (Lalor et al., 2010 and Bouraoui and Grizzetti, 2011) and loss of nutrients from wastewater treatment plants and industrial discharges (Schindler, 2006 and Kronvang et al., 2008), future demands for food production will likely augment the intensity of agricultural practices in many countries.
Following the implementation of mitigating measures, recovery of surface waters from impairment is expected to vary depending on catchment characteristics including forestry cover, agriculture and the degree of urbanisation. Furthermore, natural factors such as geology, soils, climate, and hydrology will largely determine background water quality and legacy accumulation of anthropogenic nutrients in soils (Jordan et al., 2012, Taylor et al., 2012 and Vermaat et al., 2012).
The specific response of estuarine and coastal systems to decreases in diffuse and point source loads can differ greatly due to their inherent chemical, biological and physical gradients and complex biogeochemical cycles. Estuaries can act as a source of nutrients, especially P (Deborde et al., 2007 and Van Der Zee et al., 2007) and silica (Legovic et al., 1996 and Cabeçadas et al., 1999), due to organic material recycling, desorption and diffusion of P from sediment pore waters during early digenesis (Deborde et al., 2008 and Delgard et al., 2012). Secondly, they may act as a sink or source of N through the balance between nitrification–denitrification and ammonification-anammox (Abril et al., 2000, Garnier et al., 2006 and Seitzinger et al., 2006). Finally, biological assimilation can also act to filter nutrients as they pass through the estuarine system. However, the response of primary producers to nutrient availability will depend largely on physical and biological constraints such as light, residence time, grazing and ocean exchange (Cloern, 2001, Carstensen et al., 2011 and O'Boyle et al., 2015). Studies which trace N and P flows from the source to the coastal zone allow the determination of not only the effectiveness of mitigation but enhance understanding of response trajectories. This will assist in the future targeting of actions to be applied specifically in light of current and future programmes of measures to be undertaken under the Nitrates Directive, WFD, and Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).
To investigate the link between measures and improvements in water quality, the Blackwater catchment and estuary in southern Ireland, which has seen a substantial enhancement in water quality in the last decade, was selected. The trophic status of the estuary, having previously been classified as eutrophic by the EPA's Trophic Status Assessment Scheme (TSAS), has shown a marked improvement and is now classed as unpolluted with respect to eutrophication. Monitoring has been undertaken since 1990 to track river loads and since 1992 to evaluate the biochemical status of the estuarine system. Coupled with this, an assessment of nutrient source apportionment in the catchment has been carried out for the years 1990, 2000 and 2010. This is done as part of a national source apportionment exercise undertaken to meet the reporting requirements of the Oslo–Paris Convention on the Protection of the North Eastern Atlantic (OSPAR). The combination of these data is now a valuable tool which can be used to determine the links between improvements in practices and the response of an estuarine and coastal system.
The objectives of this study were; 1) to determine whether decreases in overall loads and changes in load apportionment to the estuarine catchment have occurred in the last 20 years; 2) to examine potential links between trends in calculated catchment nutrient loads, measured river loads and downstream estuarine concentrations; 3) to determine the impacts of any changes on physico-chemical and biological parameters within the estuarine system and 4) to identify the measures that have been most effective in reducing nutrient loss from the catchment to the estuary.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Study site

The Blackwater Estuary drains a large agricultural basin in southern Ireland with a catchment area of 3307.5 km2. Livestock constitute the main farming activity in the area with over 50% of the agricultural land dedicated to pasture and 30% to the production of silage. A number of small towns and villages also occupy the catchment while the town of Youghal (treatment population 10,000), which lacks a waste water treatment plant, lies at the estuary mouth. The south of Ireland is a temperate region, with highest rainfall and river flows occurring in the autumn/winter months. Median freshwater discharge is 106.6 m3/s, with winter (October–March) flows being twice those of the summer periods. The Blackwater Estuary is shallow (average depth 4.2 m) and mesotidal with a tidal range of 3.6 m, a surface area of 12.1 km2 and an intertidal area of 4.5 km2. The estuary is generally well-mixed although stratification occurs in the mid-estuarine region.

2.2. Catchment nutrient load estimations

The quantification of nutrient sources to the Blackwater catchment was based on historic reporting procedures which have been undertaken to comply with requirements under OSPAR. In order to identify trends, load calculations were undertaken for 1990, 2000 and 2010. These years were chosen as the largest body of information was available at this time step. A detailed account of load calculations for, diffuse (inorganic and organic fertilisers, land use, unsewered population) and point (waste water treatment plants, industry) sources of nutrients is described below. In cases where actual data sets of direct discharges and pathway processes are unavailable, coefficients have been applied based on commonly agreed methods and previously measured rates (OSPAR, 2011 and O'Sullivan, 2002).

2.2.1. Inorganic and organic fertilisers

Agricultural data for farm area usage (cereals, potatoes, silage, hay, pasture) and livestock densities (cattle, sheep) were obtained from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) of Ireland for the three years and are delimited into area per electoral district (ED). National inorganic fertiliser application rates of Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) per land use type were sourced from a national farm study (Lalor et al., 2010). As the survey only encompasses 1995–2008 the 1995 and 2008 application rates were used for 1990 and 2010 respectively. Justification for the use of 1995 and 2008 in lieu of 1990 and 2010 is based on the relatively small change in recorded fertiliser sales between 1990 and 1995 (2.5% increase for N and 0.7% decrease for P) and 2008 and 2010 (2008 fertiliser sales are within the standard deviation of the sales values for 2009–2011 (years used in the comparison of actual river loadings with calculated loads) for N (2008 = 309,000 tonnes; 2009–2011 = 327,670 ± 29,940) and P (2008 = 26,000; 2009–2011 = 26,000 ± 5200). As fertiliser sales are correlated with fertiliser application rates (Lalor et al., 2010) it can be assumed that the values used in the study are representative of actual application rates. Annual excretion rates per livestock type were obtained from the Good Agricultural Practice for Protection of Waters S.I. No. 101 of 2009 (Government of Ireland, 2009). The calculation assumes that all excreted N and P are spread on the land during the year.
To account for pathways of nutrients from field to surface water, loss coefficients were applied for N and P which were adopted from agricultural nutrient losses as per the NEUT 99 Screening Procedure for Irish Coastal Waters with regard to Eutrophication Status. These coefficients were also reported by the EPA to be within the ranges of values quoted in PRAM 99/715-E Draft Guidance No. 6. The agricultural loss estimates are also comparable with direct measurements of export rates in agricultural areas in Ireland obtained from catchment monitoring and management programmes (O'Sullivan, 2002). It is recognised that this methodology, which estimated that 20% of input agricultural N and 4% of input agricultural P reaches water bodies in all areas, does not take account of variability in runoff risk properties of soils or differences in transport processes relating to bedrock or groundwater pathways (Tedd et al., 2014).

2.2.2. Leaching from landcover categories

Land cover information was obtained from the European Corine (Coordination of Information on the Environment) Land Cover Maps for 1990, 2000, and 2006 which are produced from satellite imagery. 2006 was used for the 2010 calculations as data from 2010 was unavailable. Nutrient leaching from forestry, peatlands, inland marshes, scrub and different urban areas were then estimated using standard coefficients which were determined during a study undertaken in Ireland (O'Sullivan, 2002).

2.2.3. Unsewered rural populations

Standard nutrient loading factors were utilised to estimate loadings to watercourses from rural populations and septic tanks (PRAM 99/715 Draft OSPAR Guidelines for harmonization of quantification and reporting procedures (N = 9.0 g/person/day, P = 2.7 g/person/day)). In the absence of data regarding the location of septic tanks, 50% were assumed as standard loss rates and the remaining 50% assumed to be remote from watercourses. The unsewered population was calculated by subtracting the sewered population (CSO data source) from the total population.

2.2.4. Background losses

Losses were estimated on the basis of total catchment area in accordance with PRAM 99/7/5-E Draft Guideline No. 6 Annexes I and III. N and P losses from background runoff were calculated as 0.75 kg N/ha/y and 0.05 kg P/ha/y, respectively. These background rates are comparable with values recorded for headwater sites obtained from catchment monitoring and management programmes (O'Sullivan, 2002). N and P inputs to waters originating from atmospheric deposition to the catchment are considered to be accounted for in the background loss estimates. Estimates of atmospheric deposition of total oxidized nitrogen directly to surface water were determined from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme Meteorological Synthesising Centre-West (EMEP/MSC-W) model results for the three years of the study.

2.2.5. Wastewater treatment plants

Outflow from Wastewater Treatment Plants was estimated according to operating population equivalent (PE), assumed nutrient production loading (N = 9.0 g/person/day, P = 2.7 g/person/day) and reduction factors dependant on the level of treatment (PRAM 99/7/5-E Draft Guidance No. 7 Annex 1 Paragraph 6.3 NEUT Guidelines (Meeting of the Working Group on Nutrients and Eutrophication, October 1999)). Reduction factors are based on typical water quality data examples (OSPAR, 2011). Under estimates of loads can result where treatment plants are not operating efficiently while capacity overload at plants resulting in overflow of partially treated or untreated effluents can also occur. These data were used where actual population served was available

2.2.6. Unsewered industries

Historical loading from licenced industries which discharge directly to watercourses were estimated as 25% of maximum allowable discharge in accordance with PRAM 99/7/5-E Draft Guideline No. 7 Annex 1 Paragraph 6.7. A compilation of monitoring data on actual emissions from 50 Irish companies showed that nearly all companies discharged less than 25% of the maximum licenced emission; hence this can be considered a reasonable indication of actual emissions (EPA, 2000). Loadings have been measured since 2007 in the case of larger industries and can now be sourced from the Irish EPA's PRTR (Pollutant Release and Transfer Register) database where available.

2.3. River load calculations

Monthly nutrient loads to the Blackwater Estuary were calculated from measurements undertaken under the OSPAR Riverine Inputs Programme (RID) from 1990 to 2011. Instantaneous nutrient concentrations and flow were measured monthly to give an instantaneous load. The load was flow-weighted by monthly mass flow (measured daily) to give a monthly load to the estuary, and all months were then summed to give annual loads to the estuary in tonnes. Flow rates were sourced from hydrometric data publically available from the Irish EPA HydroNet website (

2.4. Estuarine monitoring data

The EPA has been monitoring the Blackwater Estuary on a seasonal winter summer basis since 1997. The data set used incorporates 18 sampling stations which are monitored once during winter and 3 times during the productive period between May and September (Fig. 1). Samples for the analysis of chlorophyll and nutrients were collected using a 2-litre Hydrobios Ruttner bottle at the surface and 0.5 m above the bottom. Dissolved Oxygen saturation (DO Sat) together with temperature, salinity and depth were recorded using a Hydrolab datasonde CTD. For practical purposes tidal sampling was scheduled to take place in mid- to late morning (8.00–11.00 am) and again in mid- to late afternoon (2.00–5.00 pm) to capture tidal variation.
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Fig. 1. 
The Blackwater Estuary on the south coast of Ireland. Monitored sampling stations are represented by black dots and labelled.
Samples for the measurement of chlorophyll, a proxy for phytoplankton biomass, were filtered using Whatman GF/C glass fibre filters and stored overnight in the dark to prevent photo-degradation. Pigments were extracted using hot methanol and absorbance (not corrected for the presence of phaeopigments) was measured using a spectrophotometer (Standing Committee of Analysts', 1980). Ammonia, total oxidized nitrogen (TON) and molybdate reactive phosphorus (MRP) were measured according to Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (2005). Water transparency at each station was measured using a 25 cm diameter Secchi disc. Estuarine parameters (DIN (dissolved inorganic nitrogen), MRP, chlorophyll, N:P and DO Sat) were mapped with contouring software using a local polynomial grid method (Surfer 11, Golden Software 2012).