
Friday 15 May 2015

Sierra Club Post It would be more honest if the federal government's emission target were "Whatever the provinces achieve despite our best efforts." — Paul Wells (@InklessPW) May 15, 2015

MEDIA RELEASE / May 15, 2015
OTTAWA - Sierra Club Canada Foundation would be disappointed with the federal government’s modest new emission reduction target (of 30% below 2005 levels by 2030) IF there was any likelihood the government would do anything to reach it. After nearly a decade in office, this government has made it crystal clear that it's not interested in taking any action on climate change.
“There is a difference between saying things and doing things. Unfortunately, the federal government is only good at the former,” said John Bennett, Sierra Club Canada Foundation. "A 30 percent reduction is a weak target that illustrates the government's gross lack of leadership on the climate file."
The federal announcement relies entirely on provincial, municipal and personal actions. It offers no federal legislative, regulatory or program initiatives.
“Where are the laws, regulations and investments required to reach any target? Nowhere!,” said Mr. Bennett. "Today's announcement, if sincere, highlights the feds complete misunderstanding of the climate crisis and what we're facing."