
Saturday, 23 May 2015

The Haiti Illumination Project Book Prize

The Haiti Illumination Project Book Prize
Prize Date:2015-06-15 (in 23 days)
Date Submitted: 2015-05-15
Announcement ID: 222583
The Haitian Studies Association announces its second biennual Haiti Illumination Book Prize. The 2015 Prize will be awarded to the best single-authored book in Haitian studies in the social sciences, with broad application beyond the academy, published between September 2013 and August 2015. Anthologies and edited volumes do not qualify. The HSA invites nominations from its membership, and submissions by authors and publishers by June 15th, 2015. Authors or publishers are asked to provide three copies of their book to the Book Prize Committee. The second Award will be given at HSA's 27th annual Conference at the University of Montreal (Quebec, Canada), on October 21 - 24, 2015.
The Haiti Illumination Project Book Prize will carry a cash award of US $1,000.00
Regine Jackson
Agnes Scott College
2310 Hosea L. Williams Drive, NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30317

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