This paper is a review of the actual gathering and use of wild
edible plants in the 18th and 19th centuries, with a brief concluding
discussion on the present day use of wild plants as food within Sweden.
The peasants and the nomads in pre-industrial Sweden utilised very few
wild plant taxa as food. Many even despised the wild fruits and green
plants. Some plants and fruits were earlier mostly eaten fresh on the
spot, or gathered for consumption in bread, gruel or soup. Other fruits
were dried or preserved in other ways. In times of food shortages the
amount of wild plants increased in the diet, but still the peasantry and
nomads were often able to use fish and game to provide enough
With access to cheap sugar in the early 20th century wild fruits (Vaccinium myrtillus L., V. vitis-idaea L., and Rubus chamaemorus L.) increased in importance, especially among urban-dwellers and within food industry. In the last few decades fungi have also become part of the urban diet. Fifty years ago working class people gathered only Cantharellus cibarius (Fr.) and occasionally Boletus edulis Bull. Nowadays more taxa are utilised within the Swedish households, and especially the easy to pick Cantharellus tubaeformis (Pers.) has become very popular recently. Harvesting fruits and mushrooms in the forests is a popular pastime for many urban people, but also a source of income for immigrants and especially foreign seasonal labour. The only traditional green wild food plant that is regularly eaten in contemporary Sweden is Urtica dioica L.
With access to cheap sugar in the early 20th century wild fruits (Vaccinium myrtillus L., V. vitis-idaea L., and Rubus chamaemorus L.) increased in importance, especially among urban-dwellers and within food industry. In the last few decades fungi have also become part of the urban diet. Fifty years ago working class people gathered only Cantharellus cibarius (Fr.) and occasionally Boletus edulis Bull. Nowadays more taxa are utilised within the Swedish households, and especially the easy to pick Cantharellus tubaeformis (Pers.) has become very popular recently. Harvesting fruits and mushrooms in the forests is a popular pastime for many urban people, but also a source of income for immigrants and especially foreign seasonal labour. The only traditional green wild food plant that is regularly eaten in contemporary Sweden is Urtica dioica L.
ethnobiology; plant gathering; wild food plants; famine food
Full Text:
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Aronsson KÅ. Användning av ängssyra (Rumex acetosa) bland samerna. In: Svanberg I, Tunón H, editors. Samisk etnobiologi: människor, djur och växter i norr. Nora: Nya doxa; 2000. p. 253–258.
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Svanberg I. The Sami use of Lactuca alpina as a food plant. Svenska Linnésällskapets Årsskrift. 2002;2000-2001:77–84.
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Pettersson B, Svanberg I. Hassel, Corylus avellana. In: Tunón H, Pettersson B, Iwarsson M, editors. Människan och floran: etnobiologi i Sverige. Stockholm: Wahlström & Widstrand; 2005. p. 158–160. (vol 2).
Svanberg I. Svinmålla, Chenopodium album. In: Tunón H, Pettersson B, Iwarsson M, editors. Människan och floran: etnobiologi i Sverige. Stockholm: Wahlström & Widstrand; 2005. p. 197. (vol 2).
Svanberg I. “The Lapps chew this root a lot”: milk parsley (Peucedanum palustre) in Sami plant knowledge. In: Fransson U, Svendin M, Bergerbrant S, Androschuck F, editors. Cultural interaction between east and west. Archaeology, artefacts and human contacts in northern Europe. Stockholm: Stockholm University; 2007. p. 328–330.
Svanberg I. Garden angelica (Angelica archangelica). In: Cumo CM, editor. Encyclopedia of cultivated plants. Santa Barbara CA: ABC-CLIO. In press.
Svanberg I. Caraway (Carum carvi). In: Cumo CM, editor. Encyclopedia of cultivated plants. Santa Barbara CA: ABC-CLIO. In press.
Svanberg I. Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare). In: Cumo CM, editor. Encyclopedia of cultivated plants. Santa Barbara CA: ABC-CLIO. In press.
Erixon S. Surviving primitive gathering in the Nordic countries. Folk-Liv. 1951;14–15:95–102.
Sporrong U. The Swedish landscape: the regional identity of historical Sweden. In: Jones M, Olwig K, editors. Nordic landscapes: region and belonging on the Nordic edge of Europe. Minneapolis MN: University of Minnesota Press; 2008. p. 141–156.
Svanberg I. Cultural and language pluralism in contemporary Nordic countries. In: Fossum Grønn J, editor. Nordic voices: literature from the Nordic countries. Oslo: Nordbok; 2005. p. 8–17.
Balick MJ, Cox PA. Plants, people, and culture: the science of ethnobotany. New York NY: Scientific American Library; 1996.
Linnaeus C. Flora Lapponica. Amsterdam: Salomon Schouten; 1737.
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Svanberg I. The use of lichens for dyeing candles: ethnobotanical documentation of a local Swedish practice? Svenska Landsmål och Svenskt Folkliv. 1998;324:133–139.
Svanberg I. Fabulat, plagiat och spökuppgifter: att använda berättande källor inom etnobiologi. In: Nycklar till kunskap: om människans bruk av naturen. Stockholm: Kungliga Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien; 2010. p. 123–136.
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Turner NJ, Łuczaj ŁJ, Migliorini P, Pieroni A, Dreon AL, Sacchetti LE, et al. Edible and tended wild plants, traditional ecological knowledge and agroecology. Cr Rev Plant Sci. 2011;30(1–2):198–225. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07352689.2011.554492
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Erixon S. Surviving primitive gathering in the Nordic countries. Folk-Liv. 1951;14–15:95–102.
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Svanberg I. Cultural and language pluralism in contemporary Nordic countries. In: Fossum Grønn J, editor. Nordic voices: literature from the Nordic countries. Oslo: Nordbok; 2005. p. 8–17.
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Linnaeus C. Flora Lapponica. Amsterdam: Salomon Schouten; 1737.
Svanberg I. Etnobiologen Linné. In: Jacobsson R, editor. Så varför reser Linné? Perspektiv på Iter Lapponicum 1732. Umeå: Carlsson; 2005. p. 135–162.
Svanberg I. The use of lichens for dyeing candles: ethnobotanical documentation of a local Swedish practice? Svenska Landsmål och Svenskt Folkliv. 1998;324:133–139.
Svanberg I. Fabulat, plagiat och spökuppgifter: att använda berättande källor inom etnobiologi. In: Nycklar till kunskap: om människans bruk av naturen. Stockholm: Kungliga Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien; 2010. p. 123–136.
Svanberg I. Linneaner: Carl von Linnés lärjungar i Sverige. Stockholm: Wahlström & Widstrand; 2006.
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Bergfors G. Från självhushållets dagar i ett ångermanländskt jordbrukarhem. Ångermanland. 1947;4:59–76.
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Landsmålsarkivets frågelista. 19, Nödbröd ock nödfoder. Svenska Landsmål och Svenskt Folkliv. 1929;22:213–226.
Johansson L. Växtnamn m.m. Manuscript collection (cat. No. ULMA 19 857). Uppsala: Swedish Institute for Dialects and Folklore; 1949.
Bergvall F. Edseles folkliga flora: växtnamn (latin, dialekt, riksspråk jämte uppgifter om växternas användning. Manuscript collection (cat. No. ULMA 28 641). Uppsala: Swedish Institute for Dialects and Folklore; 1972.
Drake G. Linnés försök till inhemsk teodling. Svenska Linnésällskapets Årsskrift. 1927;10:68–83.
Räsänen L. Of all foods bread is the most noble: Carl von Linné (Carl Linneaus) on bread. Scand J Food Nutr. 2007;51:91–99.
Linnaeus C. Archiaterns och riddarens af Kongl. Nordstjerne Orden Carl Linnæi berättelse om the inhemska wäxter, som i brist af säd kunna anwändas til bröd- och matberedning. Stockholm: Kongl. Tryckeriet; 1757.
Svanberg I. Fattigmanskost. In: Broberg G, Lindell G, editors. Till livs med Linné: om mat hälsa och levnadskonst. Stockholm: Atlantis; 2007. p. 185–195.
Lundström E. Ätliga vilda växter: en dyrtidsbok. Stockholm: Norstedt; 1918.
Holmboe J. Gratis mat av vilda växter. Stockholm: Albert Bonnier; 1942.
Pettersson B. Nötter, bär och svamp. In: Pettersson B, Svanberg I, Tunón H, editors. Människan och naturen: etnobiologi i Sverige. Stockholm: Wahlström & Widstrand; 2001. p. 147–154. (vol 1).
Nordenstreng E. 72 sätt att tillaga de vitaminrika rönnbären jämte inledande kapitel om rönnbär i folktro och forskning. Stockholm: Albert Bonnier; 1934.
Kardell L. Utmarkens bär och svampar samt inmarkens nötter. In: Lindwall B, editor. Tjära, barkbröd och vildhonung. Stockholm: Nordiska museet; 1996. p. 138–155.
Ekvall U. Gotländska växtnamn: tradition och förnyelse i ett lokalt växtnamnskick. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International; 1990.
Turner NJ, Łuczaj ŁJ, Migliorini P, Pieroni A, Dreon AL, Sacchetti LE, et al. Edible and tended wild plants, traditional ecological knowledge and agroecology. Cr Rev Plant Sci. 2011;30(1–2):198–225. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07352689.2011.554492
Nelson MC. Bitter bread: the famine in Norrbotten 1867–1868. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis; 1988. (Studia Historica Upsaliensia; vol 153).
Høeg OA. Har De spist blåveis- eller hvitveisblomster om våren? Blyttia. 1950;8:126–128.
Svanberg I. Field horsetail (Equisetum arvense) as a food plant. Fróðskaparrit: Annales Societatis Scientiarum Færoensis. 1997;45:45–55.
Edlund LE, Svanberg I. Rallarros, Epilobium angustiforlium. In: Tunón H, Pettersson B, Iwarsson M, editors. Människan och floran: etnobiologi i Sverige. Stockholm: Wahlström & Widstrand; 2005. p. 193–194. (vol 2).
Keyland N. Svensk allmogekost. Stockholm: Svenska Teknologförening; 1919. (vol 1).
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