
Saturday, 16 April 2016

Born on April 8

563 BC Gautama Buddha, founder of Buddhism.
1605 Philip IV, king of Spain and Portugal (1621-65).
1726 Lewis Morris, signer of the Declaration of Independence.
1893 Mary Pickford (Gladys Smith), early film actress.
1893 Edgar “Yip” Harburg, lyricist (“Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?,” “Over the Rainbow”).
1920 Carmen McRae, jazz vocalist and pianist.
Volume 89, December 2015, Pages 92–104
Special Issue: Excavations at Schöningen: New Insights into Middle Pleistocene Lifeways in Northern Europe

Paleoenvironment and possibilities of plant exploitation in the Middle Pleistocene of Schöningen (Germany). Insights from botanical macro-remains and pollen


Plant use is an elusive issue in Paleolithic archaeology. Due to poor organic preservation in many sites, botanical material is not always present. The sediments in Schöningen, however, contain abundant botanical macro-remains like wood, fruits, seeds, and other parts of plants which offer the opportunity to reconstruct the local vegetation. Combined with palynological results, it is possible to reveal the full potential of this environment to hominins. Ethnobotanical studies of hunter-gatherer societies living in similar environments illustrate the importance of plants for subsistence purposes. The identified taxa from the archaeological horizons at Schöningen include a broad spectrum of potentially exploitable species that could be sources of food, raw material, and firewood.


  • Potential plant use;
  • Food items;
  • Raw material;
  • Medicinal plants;
  • Subsistence;
  • Environment

1. Introduction

The preservation of around 300 ka old organic material is only possible because of rapid sedimentation and waterlogged conditions in Schöningen that prevented decomposition of material by microorganisms. The excavation of a wooden throwing stick in 1994 was the start of a series of important discoveries in the open cast mine of Schöningen (Lower Saxony, Germany), which has significantly contributed to our understanding of prehistoric humans. Between 1994 and 1999, the excavator Thieme uncovered thousands of wooden fragments, numerous wooden weapons and tools, stone artifacts, and animal bones with butchering marks (Thieme and Maier, 1995, Thieme, 1996, Thieme, 1997, Thieme, 1999a, Thieme, 1999b, Thieme, 2000 and Thieme, 2007).
There are three sites with cultural levels: Schöningen 13 I, level 1; Schöningen 13 II, level 4; and the site Schöningen 12 B with the levels 1 and 2. Schöningen 13 I, level 1 contains flint tools, flakes, and faunal remains of steppe species (Thieme, 1997 and Thieme, 2007). Schöningen 13 II, level 4, the so-called ‘spear horizon,’ is the cultural level with the wooden spears, animal bones with cut marks and dominated by horse, and several flint tools and flakes (Thieme, 1997, Thieme, 2000, Thieme, 2005 and Thieme, 2007). Schöningen 12 B, levels 1 and 2 yield stone tools, and botanical and faunal remains. In level 1 there are also four fir (Abies alba) branch bases that are considered to be hafting implements (“Klemmschaft”) for stone artifacts ( Thieme, 2007).
Schöningen today is widely associated with the ‘hunting spears,’ which, together with the remains of numerous horses, are the most important discovery of this site complex (Thieme, 1997, Thieme, 2005 and Thieme, 2007). The spears are the oldest example of distance hunting weapons and show that 300,000 years ago hominins were able to successfully hunt for large prey.
The sediments bear other botanical materials besides the spears, namely carpological (fruits and seeds) remains, vegetative plant parts, and pollen. Whereas other papers focus on the hunting activities in Schöningen 13 II, level 4, this paper sheds light on the archaeobotanical remains (wood, fruit, and seed) from this site. A number of researchers have conducted studies at Schöningen over the last three decades focusing on paleoecological issues such as vegetation history and environmental settings (Jechorek, 1997, Jechorek, 2000, Jechorek et al., 2007 and Czaja, 2012). The interglacial sediments from profiles at Schöningen 12 B and 13 II were specifically sampled for carpological remains from 1992 to 1996 and again in 2002. The samples reveal 132 identified species (Jechorek, 2000 and Jechorek et al., 2007). Czaja (2012) extended the taxa list to more than 200 species, but these results are not published yet. Schoch, 1995, Schoch, 2007a and Schoch, 2007b investigated more than 3000 wooden fragments from Schöningen 12 B; Schöningen 12 II, level 1–2; and Schöningen 13 II, level 3–4, in addition to the spears and other wooden artifacts. New botanical samples were taken from the fireplaces in Schöningen 13 II, level 4 and during excavation works from 2008 until 2012. Here we present the data and a discussion about the natural environment of Schöningen and the possibilities for human plant use at the time of deposition.
The species list of all archaeobotanical data contains several plants that could be used for different purposes. As we know from modern hunter-gatherers, plants play an important role in the life of humans. Recent research provides evidence for the use of plants as food, raw material, or medicine in Lower and Middle Paleolithic contexts (Dominguez-Rodrigo et al., 2001, Madella et al., 2002, Lev et al., 2005, Pickering and Heaton, 2009, Hardy, 2010, Henry, 2010, Koller and Baumer, 2010, Revedin et al., 2010, Hardy and Moncel, 2011, Henry et al., 2011, Sievers and Muasya, 2011, Wadley et al., 2011, Hardy et al., 2012 and Sistiaga et al., 2014).
Usually, the older the site, the lower the probability of organic preservation. Decay and erosion processes have more time to destroy plant material. Therefore, assertions concerning the extent of plant use in the Paleolithic are difficult. Ethnological studies form one possibility to build hypotheses around the fragmentary archaeological record. For instance, Murdock's Ethnographic Atlas (1967) offers data on about 1200 cultures, which serve as a frame of reference with which we can compare and test our archaeological data (Binford, 2001). Furthermore, the reconstructed natural vegetation of the archaeological horizons shows a great amount of potential food and raw material.