
Thursday 15 September 2016

Cooperation or dolphin 'tug-of-war'? Comment on Kuczaj et al. and Eskelinen et al.

2016 Aug 31. [Epub ahead of print]

  • 1Centre for Evolutionary Biology, School of Animal Biology, University of Western Australia, Crawley, 6009, Australia.
  • 2Centre for Marine Futures, School of Animal Biology, University of Western Australia, Crawley, 6009, Australia.
  • 3Biology Department, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, North Dartmouth, MA, 02747, USA.
  • 4Dolphin Research Center, 58901 Overseas Highway, Grassy Key, FL, 33050, USA.


Two recent papers by Kuczaj et al. (Anim Cognit 18:543-550, 2015) and Eskelinen et al. (Anim Cognit 19:789-797, 2016) claim to have demonstrated that (i) bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) cooperated to solve a novel task and (ii) vocal signals were important for coordinating these cooperative efforts. Although it is likely that bottlenose dolphins may share communicative signals in order to achieve a common goal, we suggest that this has not been demonstrated in the aforementioned studies. Here, we discuss the two main problems that preclude any definitive conclusions being drawn on cooperative task success and vocal communication from these studies. The first lies in the experimental design. The 'cooperative task', involving an apparatus that requires two dolphins to pull in opposite directions in order to achieve a food reward, is not conducive to cooperation, but could instead reflect a competitive 'tug-of-war'. It is therefore of questionable use in distinguishing competitive from cooperative interactions. Second, the suggestion that the occurrence of burst-pulsed signals in this task was indicative of cooperation is disputable, as (i) this study could not determine which dolphins were actually producing the signals and (ii) this sound type is more commonly associated with aggressive signalling in dolphins. We commend the authors for investigating this exciting and topical area in animal communication and cognition, but the question of whether dolphins cooperate and communicate to solve a cooperative task remains as yet unanswered