Dalhousie's Feminist Seminar series is a series of conversations about
feminist scholarship being conducted by faculty and students at Dalhousie
University, our friends, colleagues, and community. Founded in 2015, the
seminar series provides opportunities for people to come together to
discuss topics related to gender and women’s studies.
This year, we are featuring ten extraordinary scholars across a range of
disciplines. All of the seminars take place on Fridays (as scheduled) from
12:30-1:30pm in the Marion McCain building, room 2021. The space is
accessible and everyone is welcome.
The series begins on Friday, September 16th with Afua Cooper speaking about
"Four Black Women on the Canadian Frontier: Gender, Slavery, and the Making
of Nation."
Please see the schedule below, and find out more by visiting our website (
September 16, 2016: Afua Cooper, Department of Sociology and Social
Four Black women on the Canadian frontier: Gender, slavery and the making
of the nation
October 7, 2016: Martha Paynter, School of Nursing
Donor human milk in Atlantic Canada: Then, now and coming soon?
November 4, 2016: Alexandre Baril, Department of Political Science
Cripping trans* studies and “transing” disability studies: Rethinking crip
and trans* politics
*November 18, 2016**: * El Jones, Department of English
Prison Abolition in Poetry
December 2, 2016: Lisa Goldberg, School of Nursing
Using caring science as a framework for understanding queer invisibility in
January 13, 2017: Erin Crandall, Department of Politics (Acadia)
The politics of judicial appointment and gender diversity on Nova Scotia’s
February 10, 2017: Roberta Barker, Fountain School of Performing
Arts (Theatre)
Death and the working woman: Actresses, illness, and forms of labour on
the nineteenth-century stage
March 3, 2017: Louise Carbert, Department of Political Science
Historiography and hagiography of feminist intervention into
Canada’s constitution
March 17, 2017: Catrina Brown, School of Social Work
Women's narratives of depression and the politics of emotion
April 7, 2017: Erin Wunker, Canadian Studies/English/Gender and Women’s
Notes from a feminist killjoy