
Monday 12 September 2016

Have your say! Call for feedback on the Draft Policy against Sexual Violence ­ Call for Feedback / Ébauche de politique sur la violence sexuelle ­ Demande de rétroaction

From now until Sept. 30, Provost Manfredi is seeking feedback on a proposed "Policy Against Sexual Violence at McGill University” (see below for his email and a link to the proposed policy and feedback form). This is a critical opportunity to both provide feedback on the policy and to demonstrate the importance of this as a campus issue that concerns all of us. Across university campuses there are increasing calls to acknowledge and deal with the effects on sexual violence and the impact it has on the lives of members of the university community. For some context on how universities are handling sexual assault on campus:
  1. This 2014 article looks at the issue of sexual violence and how governments and universities have responded:
  2. From 2016, University Affairs looks at the role of administrative support services in Canadian universities.
  3. "Are Canadian universities failing to protect students?” Chatelaine, May 2016
  4. And from a recent panel at Ryerson University that included McGill students, presented by Silence is Violence, a new organization working to highlight the problem of administrative responses to sexual violence at universities:
We encourage you to take this chance to make your voice and your opinion heard and to show that this is a critical issue at McGill.

Alanna Thain, Director
Institute for Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies

From Provost Manfredi
Call for Feedback / Ébauche de politique sur la violence sexuelle – Demande de rétroaction

Draft Policy against Sexual Violence – Call for Feedback

Sent on behalf of Professor Christopher P. Manfredi, Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic)

This note is about the development and adoption of a Policy against Sexual Violence for McGill University. I am seeking feedback across the McGill community on the present draft of this Policy. At this site, you will find a link to the draft Policy and a webform where you may enter your comments. Here you will find a link to relevant frequently asked questions, and their responses.

Please provide your feedback through the online form, ideally on or before 30 September 2016. This is a rolling consultation, however, so feedback at any time will be received, considered and valued.

Background and Objectives

Sexual violence on campus is a matter of preeminent importance, meriting a clear response and commitment to action through a university policy and protocol. In April 2016, I announced a commitment to bringing a Policy against Sexual Violence to McGill’s Senate for approval. Additional, recognizing that a Policy alone will not accomplish meaningful change within our University community, I committed funding to enhance staffing and other resources devoted to sexual violence education, prevention, support and response. Furthermore, I have undertaken to conduct an in-depth review of the phenomenon of sexual violence at McGill in the months that follow the adoption of this Policy. This review shall be aimed at ensuring the effective implementation of the Policy, and will seek to hear and learn from survivors and those who work with and support them.

In recent months, consultations and research illuminated three crucial elements for an effective sexual violence campus policy:
·         First, it must seek to educate the university community about sexual violence and its prevention.
·         Second, it must be survivor-focused, seeking to ensure that those who disclose or report incidents of sexual violence to university actors are treated with respect for their confidentiality and dignity and with compassion.
·         Third, it must ensure respect for procedural equity in responding to allegations of sexual violence at a disciplinary level, as set out by other University policies, regulations and collective agreements.

These three principles animate McGill’s present draft Policy against Sexual Violence.

Last spring, earlier drafts of this Policy were shared with a student-led working group, which had worked with the Office of the Dean of Students for nearly two years to advocate for the adoption of a survivor-centric sexual violence policy for McGill. This working group is to be credited for advancing conversations and actions on this issue of crucial importance at McGill.

Earlier drafts of this Policy also were shared with University student and staff associations, including: AGSEM, AMURE, AMUSE, Human Resources, the Joint-Board Senate Committee on Equity and all of its Subcommittees, MACES, MCSS, MAUT, MCLIU, MUNACA, MUNASA, SACOMSS, SEDE, SEU, SSMU, Student Advocacy-LICM and McGill Security Services.

This initial consultation process yielded constructive and insightful feedback. Specifically, I heard that the Policy should:
·         articulate a commitment to the provision of resources needed for its operationalization;
·         distinguish between disclosures and formal reports of sexual violence;
·         recognize and respond to the reality that individuals who are members of equity-seeking groups are disproportionately affected by sexual violence;
·         prioritize support for survivors while not diluting or interfering with alleged perpetrators’ procedural equity guarantees; and
·         commit to a study of the phenomenon of sexual violence at McGill.

I have endeavoured to address these concerns in this draft Policy, on which I now seek the McGill community’s feedback.

I have opted to conduct this cross-campus consultation virtually so that individuals who wish to comment anonymously may opt to do so. Should you wish to contact me directly rather than proceeding via the webform,you may do so by writing to:

Thank you in advance for your engagement, which is critical to ensuring a Policy against Sexual Violence that reflects the view and voices of all McGill constituents.

Professor Christopher P. Manfredi
Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic)


Le présent message a pour objet l’élaboration et l’adoption d’une politique sur la violence sexuelle pour l’Université McGill.Je cherche à obtenir une rétroaction de la communauté mcgilloise sur l’ébauche actuelle de cette politique.Vous trouverez sur ce site un lien vers cette ébauche et un formulaire Web où vous pourrez consigner vos commentaires. Vous trouverez ici des réponses aux questions les plus fréquentes sur ce sujet.

Veuillez nous fournir cette rétroaction au moyen de ce formulaire, idéalement au plus tard le 30 septembre 2016.Cela dit, la consultation se poursuivra après cette date, si bien que tous les commentaires reçus seront pris en compte et évalués.

La violence sexuelle sur le campus est un enjeu d’importance primordiale qui commande une réaction sans équivoque et une mobilisation sous la forme d’une politique et d’un protocole universitaires.En avril 2016, j’ai annoncé que nous nous engagions à soumettre une politique sur la violence sexuelle à l’approbation du Sénat de l’Université McGill.De plus, conscient qu’une politique ne peut, à elle seule, amener des changements profonds dans notre communauté universitaire, je me suis engagé à financer la dotation en personnel et l’augmentation des ressources nécessaires à l’éducation sur la violence sexuelle, à la prévention de cette violence et à la prise de mesures contre cette dernière ainsi qu’à l’aide aux victimes.Par ailleurs, je me suis engagé à la tenued’un examen approfondi du phénomène de la violence sexuelle à l’Université McGill au cours des mois qui suivront l’adoption de cette politique.L’examen aura pour but d’assurer la mise en œuvre efficace de la politique et de prendre acte du témoignage des survivants, de leurs collègues et des personnes qui les soutiennent.

·         d’abord, elle doit viser l’éducation de la communauté universitaire en matière de violence sexuelle et de prévention;
·         ensuite, elle doit être axée sur les survivants et faire en sorte que les personnes qui divulguent ou signalent un incident de violence sexuelle aux intervenants universitaires soient traitées avec compassion, dans le respect de leur vie privée et de leur dignité;
·         enfin, elle doit assurer l’équité en matière de procédure disciplinaire en réponse aux allégations de violence sexuelle, conformément aux autres politiques, aux règlements et aux conventions collectives de l’Université.

·         faire état d’un engagement visant l’octroi des ressources nécessaires à l’appui de sa mise en application;
·         établir une distinction entre les divulgations et les rapports officiels en matière de violence sexuelle;
·         prendre acte du fait que les personnes membres de groupes en quête d’équité sont touchées de manière disproportionnée par la violence sexuelle, et réagir à cette situation;
·         accorder la priorité au soutien apporté aux survivants, sans pour autant atténuer les garanties d’équité offertes aux agresseurs présumés en vertu de la politique, ni les entraver; et
·         comporter un engagement quant à la réalisation d’une étude sur le phénomène de la violence sexuelle à l’Université McGill.

Professeur Christopher P. Manfredi
Vice-principal exécutif et vice-principal aux études

This message was sent from the Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies.