
Friday, 3 April 2015

"Drug Discovery & Therapy World Congress 2015" (DDTWC 2015) to be held in Boston, USA from July 22-25, 2015

 "Drug Discovery & Therapy World Congress 2015" (DDTWC 2015) to be held in Boston, USA from July 22-25, 2015, I would like to invite you to participate and deliver a Session Lecture (lecture duration: 20 minutes) in the track on "Diabetes and Obesity Drug Discovery & Therapy" at this event.  The DDTWC 2015 will also cover the following 40 tracks:

1.       Academic CRO/Industrial collaborations in drug discovery
2.       Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery & Therapy
3.       Anti-Infectives
4.       Bioactive Lipids
5.       Biologics
6.       Cardiovascular Drug Discovery & Therapy
7.       Chemistry
a.      Asymmetric Synthesis
b.      Carbohydrates
c.       Green Chemistry
d.      Spectroscopy

8.       Combinatorial Chemistry
9.      CNS Drug Discovery & Therapy
10.   Diabetes and Obesity Drug Discovery & Therapy
11.   Drug Delivery & Targeting
12.   Drug Discovery in Preclinical Research
a.      De-risking Drug discovery
b.      Hit to Lead and Lead Optimization

13.   Drug Metabolism
14.   Enabling Technologies
15.   Genomics
16.   Green Techniques in Medicinal Chemistry
17.   High-throughput Screening & Laboratory automation
18.   Hot Topics in Drug Targets
19.   Hot Topics in HIV Research
20.   Hot Topics in Medicinal Chemistry
21.   Hot Topics in Natural Products
22.   Inflammation and Immunology
23.   Innovative Drug Discovery and Nanotechnology
24.   In-silico Drug Design and in-silico screening
25.   Medical Imaging
26.   Nutraceutical Drug Discovery & Therapy
27.   Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
28.   Pharmaceutical Research & Development
a.      Successful Drug Discovery from the Research Lab to the Marketplace
                                             I.            First disclosure of Clinical Compounds
                                           II.Case Histories of Drugs on the Market
b.      Global Roundup of Pharmaceutical Research capabilities and Opportunities
                                             I.Middle East
                                         III.Japan & Far East
                                         IV.North America
                                         VI.South America
                                       VII.India & Asia

c.       Global Discovery Outsourcing
d.      Generic Pharmaceuticals: Challenges and Opportunities
e.       Regulatory Affairs
f.        Other Areas of Pharmaceutical R & D

29.   Pharmacogenomics
30.   Process Chemistry and Drug Manufacturing
31.   Protein and Peptide Sciences
32.   Proteomics & Bioinformatics
33.   Pulmonary Drug Discovery & Therapy
34.   Recent Advances in Patient Treatment and Care
35.   Recent Advances in Spectroscopy
36.   Regenerative Medicine
a.      Stem Cells
b.      Gene Therapy
c.       Tissue Engineering
d.      Recent Developments in Regenerated Medicine

37.   Stereoselective Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds
38.   Structural Biology
39.  Traditional Chinese Medicine
40.   Translational Medicine
41.   Women’s Health Drug Discovery & Therapy

The DDTWC 2015 will highlight cutting-edge advances in all major disciplines of Drug Discovery and Drug Therapy.  Leading medicinal chemists, pharmacologists, biotechnologists, industrialists, scientists, clinicians and academicians are expected to present lectures in the dynamic and fast moving fields of drug discovery and therapy.  This four-day event will feature recent findings in the form of Invited and Session lectures at the clinical and pre-clinical interfaces. There will also be poster sessions and an associated Exhibition.

DDTWC 2015 will be unique in focusing on the translational characteristics of recent biomedical and pharmaceutical research, with both scientists and clinicians associated with either patient care or with drug discovery research. This conference will provide a platform to present the most important recent developments, covering both pre-clinical and clinical research.

Kindly visit the conference website at for the online registration form and further details. Please send us your abstracts for consideration at

You are expected to arrange for your registration, accommodation and travel expenses yourself.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

With kind regards,


Dr. Emilio Jirillo
(Universitá degli Studi di Bari, Italy)
Track Chair
Diabetes and Obesity Drug Discovery & Therapy
Drug Discovery & Therapy World Congress 2015