
Saturday, 2 January 2016

J.K. Rowling retweeted the word SMELLFUNGUS – someone who always manages to find fault

23 Dec 2015
Word of the day (19th century): SMELLFUNGUS – someone who always manages to find fault

Space TV channel had a Merry Potter repetition of the last three Harry Potter films that I managed to see. Instead of feeling relaxed because I sat down in front of a large screen, I feel as much of a SMELLFUNGUS now as when I first saw them on a small TV and when I read the final books. J.K. Rowling should use some of her millions to have them recut and re-released.

I noticed for the first time that Daniel Radcliffe does not act that well in the films. Hedwig's needless death annoyed me more than it did him. I had plenty of time to go to the bathroom when Draco pulled the covering cloth off the vanishing cabinet over and over and over. Ginny is played so boringly that when Voldemort calls her a "stupid girl" close to the end of the film, I agreed. Instead of thinking what a good actress Helena Bonham Carter is, I think for the umpteenth time of her arrogance and ego in getting a new and ridiculous scene inserted just for her to get more screen time. Luna also got more screen time (instead of Tonks) but she still shines in this movie. Ron is still great when he is under the spell of the love potion. Because they spent so little time in 12 Grimmauld Place they lost the plot point of why Ron was such a poor sport in the hunt for horcruxes and why Hermione took the portrait of  Phineas Nigellus Black. Imagine patriarchal Hollywood not jumping at the chance to continue the role of Phineas Black. Dean Thomas must be an excellent fighter because at the end of the last movie he does not have a scratch or a mark on him. 

But the main thing I noticed for the first time on the larger screen is that when Harry is looking at Snape's memories we see some scenes that we have already seen from the audience perspective and some from Harry's perspective instead of seeing them all through Snape's eyes.

A good director and producer make a movie that audiences want to see over and over like "Sound of Music".  I have never sat in front of that movie and thought a single negative thing.