Volume 27, Issue 1, 1 March 2012, Pages 57-60
Ibero American Network of Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics (RIBEF), Havana, Cuba
b Centre of Marine Bioproducts (CEBIMAR), Havana, Cuba
c National Centre for State Quality Control of Drugs (CECMED), Havana, Cuba
b Centre of Marine Bioproducts (CEBIMAR), Havana, Cuba
c National Centre for State Quality Control of Drugs (CECMED), Havana, Cuba
Meeting report of the
" Second Symposium on Pharmacology of Cytochrome P450 and Transporters "
organized by the Cuban Society of Pharmacology in collaboration with
the European Society of Pharmacogenetics and Theranostics (ESPT) and the
Ibero-American Network of Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics
(www.ribef.com). The Symposium covered different topics on
pharmacogenetics and its clinical implications, focusing on
Latin-American populations. The activities of the ESPT were also
presented and discussed. The topics addressed were regulatory aspects,
the use of pharmacogenetics in pre-clinical research, herbal medicine,
and natural products, ending with a discussion about translation into
clinical practice, specifically for cardiovascular disorders and
psychiatry. Finally, the implication for population diversity in Latin
America was also discussed. The RIBEF initiative represents a promising
step towards the inclusion of Latin American populations among those to
benefit from the implementation of pharmacogenetics in clinical
practice. Among current RIBEF activities, the CEIBA.FP Consortium aims
to study the variability of pheno-and genotypes in Hispanics that are
relevant to pharmacogenetics. For this purpose, populations from Mexico,
Cuba, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Colombia, Brasil, Perú, Chile,
Uruguay, Argentina, Portugal,
and Spain are currently being studied. The meeting's main conclusion was
that population pharmacogenetic studies as well as academic clinical
trials might need to be conducted in the different geographic
locations/countries. This is important in order to improve drug safety,
dosage recommendations, and pharmacovigilance programs, because
environmental and ethnic factors vary across locations. © 2012 by Walter
de Gruyter Berlin Boston.
Author keywords
cytochrome P450; Hispanics; Latin America; pharmacogenetics
Indexed keywords
EMTREE drug terms: cyclosporin; cytochrome P450;
digoxin; drug metabolite; glucuronosyltransferase; glycoprotein P;
herbaceous agent; indinavir; irinotecan; Mangifera indica extract;
natural product; neuroleptic agent; oral contraceptive agent; serotonin
uptake inhibitor; tricyclic antidepressant agent
EMTREE medical terms: Argentina; Brazil; cardiovascular
disease; Chile; clinical practice; clinical research; clinical trial
(topic); Colombia; conference paper; Costa Rica; Cuba; drug blood level;
drug efficacy; drug response; drug safety; drug screening; drug
surveillance program; eating disorder; Ecuador; environmental exposure;
environmental factor; enzyme induction; ethnicity; genetic polymorphism;
genotype; geography; geriatric patient; herbal medicine;
Hispanic; human; Hypericum perforatum; legal aspect; medical society;
mental disease; Nicaragua; Peru; pharmacogenetics; pharmacogenomics;
phenotype; population research; Portugal; protein expression; risk benefit analysis; South and Central America; Spain; suicide; symposium; Uruguay
MeSH: Cardiovascular Diseases; Herbal Medicine; Humans; Latin America; Mental Disorders; Pharmacogenetics
Medline is the source for the MeSH terms of this document.
Medline is the source for the MeSH terms of this document.
Chemicals and CAS Registry Numbers: cyclosporin,
79217-60-0; cytochrome P450, 9035-51-2; digoxin, 20830-75-5, 57285-89-9;
glucuronosyltransferase, 37329-64-9, 9030-08-4; indinavir, 150378-17-9,
157810-81-6, 180683-37-8; irinotecan, 100286-90-6
ISSN: 07925077
CODEN: DMDIESource Type: Journal
Original language: English
Llerena, A.; Clinical Research Centre (CICAB), University of
Extremadura Medical School, Hospital Infanta Cristina, 06080 Badajoz,
Spain; email:allerena@unex.es
© Copyright 2012 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved. © MEDLINE® is the source for the MeSH terms of this document.
© Copyright 2012 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved. © MEDLINE® is the source for the MeSH terms of this document.