
Friday 2 September 2016

Plants in the spa – the medicinal plant market of Borjomi, Sakartvelo (Republic of Georgia), Caucasus

One of the authors, Narel Y Paniagua Zambrana, is working on a project right now.

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ArticleinIndian journal of traditional knowledge · August 2016
As part of a larger ethnobotanical inventory of Skartvelo (Republic of Georgia) we studied the medicinal plant market in Borjomi Spa since 2013. All of the venders in Borjomi featured the same set of medicinal plant mixtures, and essentially no plants were sold separately. Overall, the same 17 distinct mixtures were sold by all venders. Plants, according to the venders, were collected by them in the wider surroundings of Borjomi, and all mixtures were prepared at home. Although the preparations of medicinal plant mixtures in Borjomi seemed very controlled and standardized, the separation of all mixtures into their respective ingredients revealed that most mixtures either contained contaminants, and/or lacked ingredients claimed to be included. This study underlines that in many cases natural remedies sold in markets can be problematic, and that great care should be taken before using any medicine, whether allopathic or complimentary. Linguistic explanations for all plant names and indications are given.