journal of Pediatric Nursing
Volume 30, Issue 2, 1 March 2015, Pages 395-401
Columbia University School of Nursing, New York, NY, United States
Accidental childhood
poisonings are a major public health concern despite many efforts to
alleviate this problem. While the rate of pediatric fatalities due to
poisonings have decreased over the last two decades, poison control
centers around the US have collectively fielded over one million calls
with regard to toxic exposures in the preschool age group. According to
the American Association of Poison Control Centers nearly half of all
human exposures reported last year involved children under six. By
focusing poison prevention efforts on the preschooler, we can attempt to
decrease morbidity and mortality in the most vulnerable age group
affected. Although the subject is still prevalent, current discussion on
this topic is limited. Newer literature discusses past initiatives such
as child resistant packaging and sticker deterrent programs and
addresses their efficacy. This article revisits older mechanisms of
prevention as well as the science behind the human motivation to change
one's own practice and behavior. © 2015 Elsevier Inc.
Author keywords
Button battery; Health belief model; Laundry pods; Mr. Yuk; Nicotine; Poison; Poison control; Protection motivation; Syrup of ipecac