Volume 3, September 01, 2015, Pages 275-284
W. Szafer Institute of Botany Polish Academy of Science, ul. Lubicz 46, Kraków, Poland
b Department of Geomorphology and Palaeogeography, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, University of Lodz, ul. Narutowicza 88, Łódź, Poland
c Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography in Łódź, Pl. Wolności 14, Łódź, Poland
b Department of Geomorphology and Palaeogeography, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, University of Lodz, ul. Narutowicza 88, Łódź, Poland
c Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography in Łódź, Pl. Wolności 14, Łódź, Poland
Archaeological features at the multi-culture site of Lutomiersk-Koziówki 3a-c in central Poland contained preserved charred plant
macro-remains. The site is located within the "Central European sand
belt" characterised by sandy terraces and dunes, nowadays covered mainly
by podzols and anthropogenically changed soils. The samples come from
pits dated to the Middle Bronze Age (MBA, ca. 18th-14th centuries BC),
the Late Bronze Age (LBA, ca. 10th-8th centuries BC), and the Roman Iron
Age (RIA). The most intensive occupation was connected with the
development of the LBA settlement of Lusatian culture. During that time
mostly peas (Pisum sativum) and millet (Panicum miliaceum) were
cultivated while remains of large-grained crops like einkorn (Triticum
monococcum), emmer (Triticum dicoccum), spelt (Triticum spelta), and
barley (Hordeum vulgare) were not common. In that time goosefoot
(Chenopodium album) and wild buckwheat (Fallopia convolvulus) were
probably used as a source of food. In the Roman Iron Age, the presence
of those plants decreased and rye (Secale cereale) appeared, becoming the most common cultivated plant
besides barley. The unique find of cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium)
seeds in the LBA samples was possibly connected with their useful
properties, primarily as medicinal plants
and secondarily as a source of oil. The cocklebur remains were probably
processed, but no by-products and no whole fruits were noted. The
context of these finds is exceptional compared with the other samples
from the site, possibly reflecting medicinal
activities of the people. Taking into account the history and migration
of the cocklebur in Europe during the Holocene, it must be emphasized
that the charred seeds from Lutomiersk-Koziówki are currently the oldest
radiocarbon-dated finds in Europe (2745. ±. 30 BP, ca. 975-818. cal.
BC) and can reflect distant contacts of the settlers mostly with
south-eastern Europe although eastern routes cannot be excluded as well.
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Author keywords
Archaeobotany; Bronze Age; Cocklebur seeds; Palaeoethnobotany; Plant macro-remains