Volume 26, Issue 3, May–June 2016, Pages 379–384
Original Article
- Open Access funded by Sociedade Brasileira de Farmacognosia
- Under a Creative Commons license
the use of exudates in traditional medicine has been commonly observed
during ethnopharmacological surveys, few records have been made
concerning the scientific merits of these products. The aim of this
study was to document ethnopharmacological data and to classify exudates
used as medicine by the “caboclos” river-dwellers from the Unini River
of Amazonas, Brazil, on chemical analyses basis. Using an ethnographic
approach, indicated plants and their respective exudates were collected,
identified and incorporated into herbarium of the National Institute of
Amazonian Research. To classify these exudates, plant material was
extracted using methanol, and obtained extracts were analyzed by Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance and mass spectrometry aiming identification of main
compounds. Fifteen exudates were indicated by “caboclos” river-dwellers
as home remedies; among their therapeutic uses, inflammatory processes,
culture-bound syndromes and respiratory diseases are most prominent.
Based on their solubility and chemicals classes, fifteen exudates were
classified into: latex (7), resins (5), sap (1), gum (1), oleoresin (1);
and eleven of them have not been mentioned on pharmacological
literature until this moment. The obtained results may contribute to
chemical/pharmacological application of exudates from these species,
several of which have been classically used in Brazilian folk medicine.
- Amazon forest;
- Ethnobotany;
- Medicinal plants;
- Ethnopharmacology;
- Exudates phytochemistry
the use of exudates in traditional medicine has been commonly observed
during ethnopharmacological surveys, few records have been made
concerning the scientific merits of these products. In Brazil, the use
of resin has been noted among the ethnic groups of Kapoor (Balée, 1994), Paumari (Prance et al., 1987) and Waimiri Atroari (Milliken et al., 1992).
A possible explanation for the gap in records is the difficulty in
identifying the exudates, since these exudates resemble one another in
physical appearance. However, their characterization and means of
distinction have been facilitated in recent years, as a result of
technological developments in chemistry, molecular biology and
microscopy. Water-soluble exudates include gums, which are composed of
polysaccharides and are secreted by wells; and saps, which consist of
polysaccharides and amino acids, as described by Langenheim (2003).
According to the same author, fat-soluble exudates include resins and
oleoresins, which are composed of terpenoids and phenolic compounds
secreted by resiniferous channels, cavities, trichomes and epidermal
cells; oils are compounds of fatty acids and glycerol; and latex is a
complex mixture of terpenoids, phenolic compounds, proteins and
carbohydrates and it is secreted by laticifers.
only exudates are poorly studied from the ethnopharmacological
standpoint, but, to the best of our knowledge, few pharmacological and
chemical studies have been conducted on exudates. On the other hand,
there are Amazonian cultures whose medicinal uses of exudates need to be
identified and documented before they are lost due to the rapid
introduction of synthetic medicines. Therefore, the aim of this study is
to document ethnopharmacological data and classify, on the basis of
chemical analysis, the exudates (as latex, resin, oleoresin and so on)
used as medicine by “caboclos” river-dwellers from the Unini River of
Amazonas, Brazil.
Materials and methods
Ethnopharmacological data
exudates analyzed in this study were indicated by twelve healers of
“caboclos” river-dwellers living in two communities along the Unini
River of Amazon, Brazil (Fig. 1),
during 11 months of fieldwork, between April 2008 and January 2012 by
one of the authors (JFLS). For local healing experts selection, a
snowball sampling, as described by Bernard (1988),
was performed by consultation of local inhabitants of riverine
communities. Ethnographic techniques and methods were applied, including
participant observation, field diaries, informal and unstructured
interviews (Bernard, 1988 and Foote-Whyte, 1990).
During interviews, the following data sheets were administered:
interviewee personal information, ethnopharmacological survey
(ingredients, uses, parts used, mode of preparation, and
contraindications of plants and animals used for therapeutic purposes)
and plant collection (popular name, habit, time of flowering/fruiting,
organoleptic and morphological aspects) (Santos et al., 2012).
The exudates indicated by interviewees and their respective vegetable
materials were collected during fieldwork at Terra Nova (01°41′ S,
61°49′ W) and Tapiira (01°46′ S, 62°13′ W) communities (Fig. 1),
they were identified by Mr. José Ramos, plant taxonomy technician, and
incorporated into the herbarium of the National Institute of Amazonian
Research. Prior to the field work, all necessary permits were obtained
for the study, including a permit access to the Conservation Units, in
order to ensure collection of samples, transport of biological material
and access to associated traditional knowledge, and prior informed
consent of informants (SISBIO No. 16805-2, CGEN/MMA No. 47/2009 and
CEP-UNIFESP/EPM, No. 1354/08).
- Figure 1.Unini River location in the Amazon forest biome, Amazon State – Brazil (map on the right). Location of two Unini River communities, where the exudates were collected during fieldwork: Terra Nova – 01°41′ S, 61°49′ W and Tapiira – 01°46′ S, 62°13′ W (left).Source: Vitoria Amazônica Foundation (2005).
Exudates extraction
exudates (latex, oleoresin and sap), were obtained from trunks of their
respective trees by incisions utilizing machete or knife, depending on
the thickness of the barks. A pointed metal cannula was adapted in the
trunk of each tree for collection of exudates. The solids and
semi-solids exudates (resin and gum, respectively), were stuck on tree
trunks; therefore they were collected manually. All exudates were placed
in amber glasses, properly labeled with date and numeric codes
correlating them to the trees from which they were collected. These
glasses were kept in a styrofoam box until they reach the laboratory
where their extracts were prepared for chemical analysis. All exudates
were dried after collection, before the preparation of the extracts.
Preparation of extracts and chemical analysis
Solubility of obtained exudates was evaluated using 10 mg of each plant material and 1 ml of H2O
or hexanes in a test-tube. Then, exudates were extracted using MeOH
(50 ml of solvent to each 10 g of plant material) in a sonicated bath at
room temperature during 20 min. After solvent evaporation under reduced
pressure, obtained crude extracts were analyzed by 1H and 13C NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectroscopy in a Bruker Avance 300 spectrometer (300 MHz to 1H and 75 MHz to 13C nuclei, respectively) using CDCl3, CD3OD, (CD3)2SO, (CD3)2O or D2O
as solvents and internal standard. Crude extracts were also analyzed by
HPLC/ESIMS (liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization mass
spectrometry) using a Bruker Daltonics equipment Esquire 3000 Plus. HPLC
system was coupled with a Zorbax-C18 (250 mm × 4.6 mm, 3.55 m, Agilent,
USA) column at 40 °C. Solvents H2O and acetonitrile (CH3CN) were used, starting with 15% of CH3CN
(0–20 min), increasing to 100% (20–25 min), isocratic (5 min), and
decreasing to 15% (30–32 min), and isocratic (3 min) at flow rate of
1 ml/min. Injection volume was 3 μl and UV detection at 352 nm and
280 nm. ESIMS spectra (low resolution) were recorded in full scan and
product ion scan modes (argon CID). Ion source was set as follows:
nebulizer gas = 3 l/min, desolvation gas = 15 l/min, DL = 150 °C, heat
block = 300 °C and voltage = 3.5 kV. GC/EIMS (gas chromatography/low
resolution electronic impact mass spectrometry) were measured in a
Shimadzu GC-17A chromatograph equipped with a capillary column DB-5
(cross linked 5% phenyl in 95% silicone - 30 m, 0.32 mm, I.D., 0.25 μm
film thickness) interfaced with a MS-QP-5050A mass spectrometer.
Temperature programming was performed from 150 to 300 °C at 15 °C/min,
then isothermal at 300 °C for 5 min. Injector and detector temperatures
were 150 °C and 320 °C, respectively, and helium was used as the carrier
gas. Identification of compounds was conducted by analysis of
individual NMR and MS spectra (low resolution). Obtained data were
compared with those recorded to authentic samples (α- and β-amyrin,
sitosterol, stigmasterol, quercetin, quercitrin, catechin, lupeol,
friedelin, betulinic acid, copalic acid, oleanolic acid, ursolic acid,
palmitic acid, brasiliensic acid and isobrasiliensic acid were available
at our laboratory while lysin and tryptophan were obtained from
Sigma–Aldrich) and/or with those available in the literature.
Bibliographic survey
plant species identified, we searched scientific databases (Pubmed and
Scopus June/2015) to determine whether their exudates had been targets
of previous pharmacological studies.
the twelve interviewees (seven female and five male) were born in the
Middle Negro River region and they are descended of inhabitants from
Amazonas and Ceará States. They call themselves into following
categories: knowledgeable of natural drugs (sic interviewees), healer
(3), midwife (2) and ‘desmintidor’ (an expert in massage techniques for
bone dislocation and muscle strain treatments) (1). They reported having
learned the healing practices with parents, relatives, friends,
neighbors, and often as a self-interest result, as it is the case of
midwives and ‘desmintidores’ (Santos et al., 2012).
As showed on Box 1,
“caboclos” river-dwellers indicated fifteen exudates. Members of the
Burseraceae family were the most frequently identified, totaling four
species. Their therapeutic uses were given as their local terms and they
are signalized in italic throughout this paper. Among their therapeutic
uses, inflammatory processes, culture-bound syndromes and respiratory diseases are the most prominent. Culture-bound syndromes are listed as derrame (stroke) and doença do ar (air disease), which will be detailed below.
Box 1.
15 plant's exudates used as medicine by the ‘caboclos’ river-dwellers
of the Unini River, AM; their pharmacological data present in scientific
literature; their respective classifications based on our chemical
analysis, and the main compounds identified.
Family Scientific name/vernacular name (voucher) Medicinal use (local term) Pharmacological studies (plant part/exudate studied) Exudates (solubility) Main identified compounds** Apocynaceae Couma macrocarpa Barb. Rodr./leite-de-sorva (ER097) Weakness in the lung – Latex (fat-soluble) – Araceae Philodendron solimoesense A.C.Sm./cipó-ambé (ER2000) Cataract – Latex (fat-soluble) – alkylphenol, steroids 3-Octadecenyl-phenol, sitosterol, stigmasterola,b,d Bignoniaceae Tynanthus panurensis (Bureau ex Baill.) Sandwith/cipó-cravo (ER2003) Improving memory and calming – Sap (water-soluble) – Burseraceae Protium amazonicum (Cuatrec.) Daly/breu-branco (JFLS413) Headache, stroke and disease of the air – Resin (fat-soluble) – triterpenes α-Amyrin, β-amyrina,b,d Protium aracouchini (Aubl.) Marchand/breu-preto (JFLS404) Headache, stroke and disease of the air – Resin (fat-soluble) – triterpenes α-Amyrin, β-amyrina,b,d Protium decandrum (Aubl.) Marchand/chico-da-silva (JFLS421) Wounds – Resin (fat-soluble) – flavonoid glycosides/triterpenes α-Amyrin, β-amyrin, quercetin, quercitrina,b,c,d Protium heptaphyllum (Aubl.) Marchand/breu-branco (JFLS458) Headache*, stroke*, disease of the air* and respiratory disease Analgesic – resin (Oliveira et al., 2005a); anxiolytic/anti-depressant – resin (Aragão et al., 2006); anti-inflammatory – resin (Oliveira et al., 2004) Resin (fat-soluble) – triterpenes/polyphenolic α-Amyrin, β-amyrin, quercetin, catechina,b,c,d Clusiaceae Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess./jacareúba (JFLS513) Remove warts* Antiproliferative – stem bark (Jin et al., 2011) Latex (fat-soluble) – phenolics Brasiliensic acid, isobrasiliensic acida,c,d Vismia guianensis (Aubl.) Choisy/lacre (JFLS359) Ringworm – Latex (fat-soluble) – triterpenes Lupeol, friedelin, betulinic acida,b,d Dilleniaceae Doliocarpus sp/cipó d’água (JFLS423) Stroke and disease of the air – Latex (fat-soluble) – triterpene betulinic acida,b,d Euphorbiaceae Hevea spruceana (Benth.) Müll. Arg./seringa-barriguda (JFLS401) Fever – Latex (fat-soluble) – triterpene Lupeola,b,d Fabaceae s.l. Copaifera multijuga Hayne/óleo-de-copaíba (JFLS403) Sore throat*, fever and flu Anti-inflammatory – oleoresin (Veiga-Junior et al., 2007); antinociceptive – oil (Gomes et al., 2007) Oleoresin (fat-soluble) – diterpene Copalic acida,d Hymenaea courbaril L./jatobá-do-mato (JFLS424) Flu*, sore throat*, and cough Antiviral – no data found (Cecílio et al., 2012); anti-inflammatory – pericarp (Takagi et al., 2002) Resin (fat-soluble) – diterpene Kolavenic acida Lecythidaceae Bertolletia excelsa Humb. & Bonpl./castanha-do-Pará (ER88) Hemorrhoids and diarrhea Gum (water-soluble) – aminoacids Lysine, tryptophana,d Moraceae Brosimum parinarioides Ducke/leite-do-Amapá (JFLS414) Tuberculosis, worm and weakness in the lung – Latex (fat-soluble) – fatty acids, triterpenes palmitic acid, lupeol, ursolic acid, oleanolic acida,b,d -
- *
- The matches between uses proclaimed by the interviewees and pharmacological data.
- **
- Identification: aNMR, bGC/EIMS, cLC/ESIMS, dcomparison with authentic sample.
In regard to mode of preparation used for compounding exudates-containing medicines, most part of them are used in natura without passing through heat process. Some exceptions are: Bertolletia excelsa gum, used to prepare a tea by decoction; Hymenaea courbaril resin, used to prepare a syrup; and Protium resins are used for fumigation. This type of preparation method is more related to culture-bound syndromes, which is discussed below.
Administration route are varied, including oral, topic and inhalation. Topic use was observed in the case of warts removal by Calophyllum brasiliense.
In this case it was also observed religious context on healing
practice, since latex of this plant should be placed on for three
followed Fridays while healer prays; on the last Friday the wart falls,
according to what they explained and to our field observation. Latex
produced by Vismia guianensis is also administered topically on micoses. Still, latex of Philodendron solimoesense is dropped directly into the eyes for cataract indication. Oral administration was observed for some latex, as the ones of Brosimum parinarioides and Couma macrocarpa.
According to interviewees reports, they are considered as ‘milk’,
because of its consistence and white color milk. Inhaling was observed
only for resins, during fumigation process, described ahead.
doses are used as drops (considering latex, sap and oleoresins) or
fresh pieces (resins and gums). However, doses used of these exudates on
home-brewed remedies were not always clearly defined, and became even
more subjective when used by fumigation, where many ingredients are
carbonized in a clay pot with Protium resins – leaves, animals
pieces, such as antlers, teeth, penis, birds’ nests, among many others –
along with charcoal. During this ritual, the child must be passed in
cross through smoke produced by fumigation, three times a day, while
praying. It is very common the use of prayers during various therapeutic
practices observed, since religion is still Catholic in some
communities. These practices are not observed anymore where religion has
undergone change and became evangelical. This change triggered the
breakup of some communities under study.
on solubility and chemical classes obtained during our chemical
analyzes, fifteen exudates were classified into: latex (7 exudates),
resins (5), sap (1), gum (1) and oleoresin (1). Eleven of them were not
mentioned in pharmacological literature until now. Box 1
shows family and scientific name/vernacular name of each plant
analyzed, classification of exudates based on its solubility, main
identified compounds, medicinal use by “caboclos” river-dwellers and
pharmacological studies published related to these specific exudates.
identify the main compounds of each obtained MeOH extract, they were
individually analyzed by NMR and/or MS (LC/ESIMS or GC/EIMS) (Box 1). 13C NMR spectra of extracts from Protium species as well as from Hevea spruceana, Philodendron solimoensis, V. guianensis, Doliocarpus sp. and B. parinarioides displayed more intense peaks of sp2 carbons at δ 150/109, 145/122 and/or 139/124 characteristics of lupane, oleanane and ursane triterpenes skeleton ( Olea and Roque, 1990).
This analysis, in association with GC/EIMS data, afforded the
identification of α- and β-amyrins, friedelin and lupeol as well as
ursolic, oleanolic and betulinic acids. Additionally, 1H NMR spectra of crude extracts from Protium decandrum and Protium heptaphyllum showed less intense signals at δ 6.2–8.0, suggesting the presence of phenolic derivatives. 13C
NMR associated to LC/ESIMS analysis of crude material afforded the
identification of flavonoids quercetin, quercitrin and catechin. As
crude MeOH extract from C. brasiliense showed to mainly composed, by 1H
NMR, of aliphatic/aromatic material, it was directly analyzed by
LC/ESIMS. Using UV and MS data as well as co-injection using authentic
samples, the identification of brasiliensic and isobrasiliensic acids
was possible. NMR (1H and 13C) spectral analysis of Fabaceae plants (Copaifera multijuga and H. courbaril) crude extracts suggested the predominance of diterpene acids due the presence of several peaks at δ 106–165 (sp2 carbons) and at approximately δ 172 (COOH). The comparison of reported data to copalic and kolavenic acids ( Marchesini et al., 2009), allowed the identification of these diterpenes. The 1H NMR spectrum of MeOH extract from B. excelsa
suggested the occurrence of aminoacids as main constituents. Using NMR
data obtained for authentic samples, the identification of lysine and
tryptophan was possible. The identification of steroids sitosterol and
stigmasterol in the crude MeOH extract from P. solimoesense was conducted by analysis of 1H NMR spectrum due the characteristic peaks at δ 0.7 (s), 5.4 (br d) and 3.5 (m). Aiming confirmation, part of this material was dissolved in MeOH:H2O 2:1 and partitioned with hexane. The organic phase was analyzed by 13C NMR and GC/EIMS confirming the occurrence of detected steroids as well as 3-octadecenylphenol.
on the solubility and chemical classes found in each of the fifteen
exudates analyzed, and comparing them to the chemical evidence presented
by Langenheim (2003), we classified them into: latex, resins, sap, gum, and oleoresin, as shown in Box 1.
Our classification was corroborated by some existing studies from
botanical anatomy and morphology which confirm the presence of resins
and/or resiniferous channels in Protium species, such as P. amazonicum, P. aracouchini, P. decandrum, P. heptaphyllum ( Rüdiger et al., 2007 and Daly et al., 2011), C. multijuga ( Milani et al., 2012) and H. courbaril ( Cunningham et al., 1974); and laticifers in C. macrocarpa ( Williams, 1962), C. brasiliense ( Cabral, 2011) and B. parinarioides ( Jacomassi et al., 2007).
As shown in Box 1,
among the fifteen exudates, four have been described in previous
pharmacological studies and they have presented correspondence between
at least one local medicine use and the observed effect published on
scientific literature. Moreover, it is noteworthy that pharmacological
studies of literature were conducted with plants exudates. An exception
was the antiviral citation for H. courbaril by Cecílio et al. (2012), which the investigated part of the plant was not mentioned. These four species are highlighted below.
The ‘breu-branco’ – ‘pitch-white’ (P. heptaphyllum
(Aubl.) Marchand) is used by diverse cultures for treatment of
headache, inflammation, as expectorant, insect repellent and for
respiratory disease ( Branch and Silva, 1983 and Marques et al., 2010).
In this study, this was one of the most cited plant by the
interviewees; its resins, burned and smelled, are mainly used for the
treatment of headache, derrame (stroke), doença do ar (disease of the air) and respiratory disease
and it showed to be composed by triterpenes (α- and β-amirin) as well
as poliphenolic derivatives (quercetin and catechin). The first three
therapeutic uses were confirmed in pharmacological studies: analgesic ( Oliveira et al., 2005a) and anxiolytic (Aragão et al., 2006), since analgesic can be related to headache, and anxiolytic to both disorders: derrame (stroke) and doença do ar (disease of the air). P. heptaphyllum also possesses gastroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects ( Oliveira et al., 2004); and their triterpenes (α- and β-amirin) have a hepatoprotective potential (Oliveira et al., 2005b). Also, da Silva et al. (2013) described an antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of ‘black breu’ (Protium spp.). According to our fieldwork observations, and as we previously discussed ( Santos et al., 2012), doença do ar (disease of the air) and derrame (stroke)
are the same disease, the first terminology is adopted when the
patients are children, and the second for adults. They are diseases
whose symptoms could be associated to anxiety and seem to be part of the
culture-bound syndromes discussed by Bourbonnais-Spear et al. (2007).
It was also observed that resins of other species of the same genus, P. aracouchini (Aubl.) and P. amazonicum (Cuatrec.) can also be used to treat headache, derrame (stroke) and doença do ar (disease of the air), in form of cigarettes.
Latex of ‘jacareúba’ (C. brasiliense Cambess.) is indicated to remove warts
in local medicine and it has been the target of several pharmacological
studies, which have confirmed its anti-proliferative effect on mantle
cell lymphoma ( Jin et al., 2011), antifungal (Reyes-Chilpa et al., 1997), anti-ulcer (Lemos et al., 2012) and trypanocidal activities (Rea et al., 2013).
These biological activities could be related to the presence of
coumarins, chromenes, xanthones and triterpenes, since these compounds
were found as main constituents of resin (Noldin et al., 2006).
The oleoresin of ‘copaiba’ (C. multijuga Hayne) is used for the treatment of sore throat, fever and flu.
It is a versatile specie among interviewees, its exudate is used to
prepare a syrup with other plant species, and in severe cases of throat
inflammation it is recommended to put a few drops in natura on affected site. In surveys conducted in Amazon region, it was observed similar uses for copaíba ( Branch and Silva, 1983, Balée, 1994, Pinto and Maduro, 2003, Shanley and Rosa, 2005 and Rodrigues, 2006). Some studies have evaluated its anti-inflammatory effects (Veiga-Junior et al., 2007), anti-oedematogenic properties (Veiga-Junior et al., 2006), antinociceptive (Gomes et al., 2007), antineoplastic (Gomes et al., 2008) and antimicrobial activities (Santos et al., 2008). The use for sore throat
showed some similarity with investigated effects/actions, demonstrating
concordance between popular knowledge and academic science.
The ‘jatobá-do-mato’ (H. courbaril)
is a well-known plant in the Amazon as well as in other Brazilian
biomes, and it is frequently cited to cure respiratory diseases in
ethnopharmacological surveys ( Oliveira et al., 2011). Among the “caboclos” river-dwellers living along the Unini River, resin of this plant is used to treat flu, sore throat, and cough. Cecílio et al. (2012) demonstrated its antiviral activity, while its anti-inflammatory effect was reported by Takagi et al. (2002). The latter may be related to sore throat
indication. Both studies utilized EtOH extracts, from leaves and
pericarps of the plant, respectively. These activities could be
associated to the presence of kolavenic acid, a clerodane type
diterpene, found as the main derivative of the plant material. This
diterpene revealed antimicrobial ( Faizi et al., 2008) and antifungal (Salah et al., 2003) activities.
major contribution of this study lies on exudates registration by
ethnopharmacology, especially those eleven that have not been
investigated by pharmacology yet. Based on wealth of data collected in
Amazon region – and considering the fact that various Brazilian biomes
also have exudates-producing plants – we believe that a greater effort
should be done by researchers of ethnoscience areas in order to register
these uses.
are promising plant materials which could be used in drug discovery due
to accumulation of several metabolites. Although these materials have
been only sparingly investigated by pharmacological studies, the results
reported in this work may contribute to chemical/pharmacological
knowledge of these plant species, many of which have been used in
classical Brazilian folk medicine.
Ethical disclosures
Protection of human and animal subjects
The authors declare that no experiments were performed on humans or animals for this study.
Confidentiality of data
The authors declare that no patient data appear in this article.
Right to privacy and informed consent
The authors declare that no patient data appear in this article.
Authors’ contributions
has idealized, oriented, collected some of the exudates, and
coordinated the study. JHGL was responsible for chemical analysis. JFLS
performed part of the fieldwork and data collection. JT, PBY e FC
contributed to discussions, map elaboration, review, formatting and
standardization of manuscript. All authors have read final manuscript
and they have approved submission.
Conflicts of interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Financial and structural support was provided by CAPES, CNPq, FAPESP/Programa BIOTA and Associação Fundo de Incentivo à Pesquisa.
Authors would like to thank the inhabitants of the Unini River for
their contributions to this work. We also thank Vitoria Amazônica
Foundation, Unini River Extractive Reserve and Jau National Park, for
providing initial contacts with the community and logistical support. We
would like to acknowledge the plant taxonomy technician, Mr. Jose
Ramos, at the National Institute for Amazonian Research, who identified
vegetable materials corresponding to exudates. We also thank two
anonymous referees for their helpful suggestions in improving this
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