Volume 1017, 13 January 2014, Pages 251-255
Research Institute of Horticulture, 96-100 Skierniewice, Poland
Poland has a long tradition in the production of different berry
crops. To improve profitability and competitiveness of small fruit
production, Polish growers are interested in the cultivation of new
crops, such as saskatoon berry
(Amelanchier alnifolia Nutt.). According to the literature, the fruit
is highly valued for its nutraceutical properties, like those of
blueberry, and there has been an increasing interest in using it in the
food industry (production of drinks, jams, jellies and fruit pies). To
meet the demands of fruit growers and processors, the Research Institute
of Pomology and Floriculture (now Research Institute of Horticulture)
in Skierniewice initiated several years ago research work on Amelanchier
species in Poland. This work has concentrated mainly on studying the
adaptation of a few Canadian cultivars to the local environment and
different vegetative propagation methods (including propagation in
vitro). A breeding program with A. alnifolia was also started in 2009,
aimed at developing new cultivars better adapted to the Polish climatic
conditions and producing high quality fruit. In the trials, we have been
testing 6 Canadian cultivars and 11 advanced selections from our
breeding program. The first results from these trials show that saskatoon berry
can be grown successfully in Poland and its cultivation seems to be
much easier than the cultivation of high-bush blueberry (Vaccinium
corymbosum L.).
Author keywords
Amelanchier alnifolia Nutt.; Breeding; Saskatoon berry; Selection; Small fruit species