
Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Pigeon visual short-term memory directly compared to primates

Available online 3 September 2015


Three pigeons were trained to remember arrays of 2–6 colored squares and detect which of two squares had changed color to test their visual short-term memory. Procedures (e.g., stimuli, displays, viewing times, delays) were similar to those used to test monkeys and humans. Following extensive training, pigeons performed slightly better than similarly trained monkeys, but both animal species were considerably less accurate than humans with the same array sizes (2, 4 and 6 items). Pigeons and monkeys showed calculated memory capacities of one item or less, whereas humans showed a memory capacity of 2.5 items. Despite the differences in calculated memory capacities, the pigeons’ memory results, like those from monkeys and humans, were all well characterized by an inverse power-law function fit to d’ values for the five display sizes. This characterization provides a simple, straightforward summary of the fundamental processing of visual short-term memory (how visual short-term memory declines with memory load) that emphasizes species similarities based upon similar functional relationships. By closely matching pigeon testing parameters to those of monkeys and humans, these similar functional relationships suggest similar underlying processes of visual short-term memory in pigeons, monkeys and humans.


  • Change detection;
  • Visual short-term memory;
  • Visual working memory;
  • Pigeons;
  • Monkeys;
  • Humans

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