If you're near Malmö, you won't want to miss Selbi Jumayeva's speaking engagements!
On the 25th, she'll be givoing a talk on intersectional feminist organizing and solidarity work in Kyrgyzstan based on the background and experience of organizations she's involved with. Following this lecture, on the 26th she'll be giving a combined lecture with Danik Kasmamytov and Selbi Jumayeva from Kyrgyzstan followed by a panel talk with additional voices from Sweden: Marta Cuesta, Associate professor at Halmstad Högskola and Malin Beckman from Malmö Jämställdhetsbyrå. Exchange of experiences and methods in local/national/international organizing. Are there any global feminist/queer movement and what issues can we use for mobilization?
See links for more event details!
25th: www.mah.se/Nyheter/Kalender/Feminist-activism-in-post-Soviet-Central-Asia--Forskningsseminarium/
26th: www.facebook.com/events/1716667008602068/