
Saturday, 21 May 2016

Negative stereotypes of the Scottish diet: A qualitative analysis of deep-fried Mars bar references in bestselling newspapers in Scotland, 2011-14

Volume 103, 1 August 2016, Pages 369-376


Science, Technology and Innovation Studies, University of Edinburgh, High School Yards, Old Surgeons' Hall, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom 


The Scottish diet is associated in the UK media and popular discourse with unhealthy deep-fried foods. In addition to the stereotype's negative effects on perceptions of Scottish food, culture and people, there is evidence that the stereotype of the Scottish diet has negative effects on food behaviour and public health in Scotland, having been shown to encourage consumption of deep-fried foods and discourage positive dietary change. The most notorious deep-fried food associated with Scotland is the deep-fried Mars bar (DFMB), arguably invented in Stonehaven (near Aberdeen), and first reported in the Scottish and UK press in 1995. This article reports findings from an analysis of newspaper references to the DFMB in the two highest selling newspapers in Scotland, the Scottish Sun and the Daily Record, between 2011 and 2014. A keyword search ("deep fried Mars bar") using the online media database Lexis Library generated 97 unique records, and the resulting dataset was analysed thematically and discursively. Analysis showed that both newspapers clearly associated the DFMB with Scotland. Further, both newspapers portrayed the DFMB and the broader "deep-fried" Scottish diet stereotype ambivalently (mixed positive and negative associations). However, the Daily Record actively criticised the DFMB stereotype much more often than did the Scottish Sun. These findings suggest that the Scottish population encounters different messages in the press about food and nutrition from people elsewhere in the UK, and that these messages vary depending on choice of media in Scotland. Given the known negative effects of the stereotype, differences in Scottish media discourse should be considered a potential factor in persistent health inequalities affecting Scotland. Educational efforts, and opening discussion with journalists and amongst the Scottish public, may be helpful. © 2016 The Author.

Author keywords

Culture; Discourse; Glasgow effect; Media; Qualitative; Scotland; Scottish effect; Stereotypes; UK

Indexed keywords

EMTREE medical terms: data base; human; information processing; nutrition; perception; public health; publishing; qualitative analysis; Scotland; Scotsman; stereotypy; sun
ISSN: 01956663 CODEN: APPTDSource Type: Journal Original language: English
DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2016.04.030Document Type: Article
Publisher: Academic Press

  Knight, C.; Science, Technology and Innovation Studies, University of Edinburgh, High School Yards, Old Surgeons' Hall, United Kingdom;
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