May 20
1520 | Hernando Cortes defeats Spanish troops sent against him in Mexico. | |
1862 | President Abraham Lincoln signs the Homestead Act, providing 250 million acres of free land to settlers in the West. | |
1874 | Levi Strauss begins marketing blue jeans with copper rivets. | |
1902 | The U.S. military occupation of Cuba ends. | |
1927 | Charles Lindbergh takes off from New York for Paris. | |
1932 | Amelia Earhart lands near Londonderry, Ireland, to become the first woman fly solo across the Atlantic. | |
1939 | Pan American Airways starts the first regular passenger service across the Atlantic. | |
1961 | A white mob attacks civil rights activists in Montgomery, Alabama. | |
Born on May 20 | ||
1663 | ||
1799 | Honore de Balzac, French novelist (The Human Comedy, Lost Illusions). Did Balzac Really Drink 50 Cups of Coffee a Day? — via @BlackBalloonPub |