
Friday, 20 May 2016

Occurrence of immunosuppressive drugs and their metabolites in the sewage-impacted Vistula and Utrata Rivers and in tap water from the Warsaw region (Poland)

Volume 148, April 01, 2016, Pages 137-147

a  Department of Bioanalysis and Drugs Analysis, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University of Warsaw, 1 Banacha Street, Warsaw, Poland
b  Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University of Warsaw, 1 Banacha Street, Warsaw, Poland 


Immunosuppresive therapy following organ transplant frequently includes treatment with tacrolimus and mycophenolic acid derivatives. These pharmaceuticals may enter the environment through wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents and may have a potentially harmful effect on aquatic biota. Tacrolimus, mycophenolic acid and their metabolites were measured at specific points of a large Polish river (Vistula), a smaller river (Utrata) and in tap water samples from the Warsaw region. Analysis was performed using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, after solid phase extraction for water samples, or QuEChERS extraction for sediments. Residues of tacrolimus were below quantitation limits in both water and sediment samples. However, in water samples mycophenolic acid concentrations were measured at up to 180 ng L-1 downstream of WWTP outfalls. No immunosuppressive drugs were detected in tap water. Concentrations of mycophenolic acid exceeded the predicted no effect concentration (PNEC) value in some Polish surface water, and risk calculations predicted at least twice higher concentrations in some other countries of the European Union. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of these immunosuppressive drug concentrations in the environment. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd.

Author keywords

Immunosuppressive drugs; Mycophenolic acid; Sediments; Surface water; Tacrolimus; WWTP
ISSN: 00456535 CODEN: CMSHASource Type: Journal Original language: English
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2015.12.135Document Type: Article
Publisher: Elsevier Ltd

  Giebułtowicz, J.; Department of Bioanalysis and Drugs Analysis, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University of Warsaw, 1 Banacha Street, Poland;
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